Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weds 8/31

Cardio only day...

AM Cardio
Spin bike - 40 mins total time
10 min warmup + 20 sprints over 20 mins + 10 min cooldown

Was supposed to be a low-carb day but ate pasta for dinner instead....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday 8/30

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 322 cals; 2.55 miles

PM Training - Chest/Triceps/Delts
Elliptical - 2 mins

Cable upright rows: 10 - 3x12
DB Bench Press: 40lb DBs - 2x12, 1x11
Incline DB Press: 30lb DBs - 2x12, 1x11, 1x12
Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 4x5
Dips on flat bench: 1x16, 2x18
Cable pushdowns: 6 - 1x12; 7 - 2x10

Cals: 1,576
Fat: 38.0g/22%
Carbs: 107.0g/25%
Protein: 159.7g/43%

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday 8/29

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 318 cals; 2.52 miles

PM Training - Back/Bis/Calves/Abs
Elliptical - 2 mins

Hyperexts on fitball: 4x20
Wide-grip cable lat pulldowns: 9 - 3x10, 1x12
Seated cable mid-row: 8 - 3x12, 1x15
Seated calf (on bench, holding plates on lap): 100lbs - 2x25, 2x35
Standing curls w/EZ bar: 45lbs added - 4x6
Standing DB Hammer curls: 30lb DBs - 1x6, 1x5, 2x6

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB: 2x20, 1x22
Leg scissors on flat bench: 3x20 count

Cals: 1,451
Fat: 27.7g/17%
Carbs: 102.7g/28%
Protein: 149.3g/43%

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday 8/28

Cardio only day....

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 476 cals; 3.78 miles

Cals: 1,681
Fat: 56.7g/31%
Carbs: 52.4g/11%
Protein: 176.2g/45%

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sat 8/27

Worked the OCB Burlington, NJ show (cardio?)

Friday 8/26

AM Training - Legs & Abs
Elliptical - 2 mins

DB Sumo Squat: 50lb DB - 4x12
Lunge/squat - back leg crossed behind, w/25lb DBs - 4x12 each side
1-legged DB SLDL w/50lb DB: 5x12 each side
Leg exts: 13 - 2x7; 14 - 1x7, 2x8
Seated leg curls: 12 - 4x10

Side bends w/20lb Kettlebell: 4x15 each side
Decline bench crunch: 4x18

PWO Cardio
Elliptical; 25 mins; 281 cals; 2.19

Thursday 8/25

Off day...

Weds 8/24

PM Training - Back/Delts/Calves
Elliptical - 2 mins

Cable upright rows: 10 - 4x10
Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 2x12; 6 - 1x8, 1x10
Bent-over 1-armed DB row: 50lb DB - 2x8*, 3x7*
Calf raises on step: 3x40, 1x42, 1x40
Wide-grip pulldowns: 9 - 2x10; 10 - 1x7, 1x8
Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x8
Front raises w/30lb DB (held in both hands): 3x8, 1x10

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB - 4x20

Tuesday 8/23

Ended up being an off day - plumbing problem
(backed up kitchen sink & broke the connection on the trap putting it back together)

Monday 8/22

Behind again? Sheesh!

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 325 cals; 2.56 miles

PM Training - Chest/Biceps/Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Seated incline cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Seated vertical cable chest press: 9 - 5x6
Standing Hammer DB curls: 30lb DBs - 4x8
DB Kickbacks: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Standing Cable 1-armed curl: 4 - 2x6*; 5 - 3x5*
*each side
Seated cable O/H Tricep exts w/rope: 13 - 3x8, 2x9

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday 8/21

Instead of doing formal cardio (no tux!) I mowed the lawn front & back along with trimming some hedges....big storm was coming so wanted to get it done!

Good, solid hour of yard work I'd say....

Saturday 8/20

Technically an off day, but was active doing projects around the house....finally got all the trimwork done around the new peninsula in the kitchen!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday 8/19

AM Training - Legs & Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Squat/swing w/20lb kettlebell: 3x12
Lunge/squat, back leg crossed behind: 4x15 each side
DB Sumo squat: 50lb DB - 4x12
Calf raises on step: 3x40, 2x45
DB kickback: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side
Leg exts: 12 - 3x8; 13 - 1x7, 1x8
DB squats: 50lb DBs - 6x10

**Ran out of time so didn't get to do the 2nd tricep exercise....

Thursday 8/18

PM Cardio
Spin bike: 10 min warmup + 20 sprints over 20 mins + 10 min cooldown
40 mins total time

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB - 3x20

Weds 8/17

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 486 cals; 3.84 miles

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday 8/16

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 333 cals; 2.61 miles

Side bends w/20lb Kettlebell: 5x15 each side

PM Training - Chest/Biceps/Delts
Elliptical - 2 mins

Incline cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Standing Hammer DB curls: 25lb DBs - 1x8, 1x9, 1x10; 30lb DBs - 1x8
Seated vertical cable chest press: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 2x6, 1x7
DB spider curls: 30lb DB - 1x5*, 4x6*
*each side
Incline DB chest press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Cable upright rows: 10 - 1x9; 11 - 3x8
Seated DB O/H press: 25lb DBs - 1x8; 30lb DBs - 2x6, 1x7, 1x8

Cals: 1,656
Fat: 39.6g/21%
Carbs: 151.1g/34%
Protein: 139.2g/35%

Monday 8/15

Training - Back & Hamstrings
Elliptical - 3 mins

Straight-arm cable pulldown: 5 - 4x12
Glute/Ham raise: 2x15, 2x16
1-armed DB bent-over rows: 50lb DB - 2x7*, 3x8*
*each side
Wide-grip cable lat pulldowns: 9 - 3x8, 1x9
Seated leg curls: 10 - 1x12; 11 - 1x10, 2x11
1-legged DB SLDL: 50lb DB - 4x15*, 1x16*
*each side

Sunday 8/14

Elliptical; 30 mins; 323 cals; 2.55 miles

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thursdy 8/11

AM Training - Delts/Triceps/Biceps
Elliptical; 2 mins

Upright cable rows: 10 - 2x8, 2x10
Seated DB rear delts: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Standing DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 3x9, 1x10
DB Kickback: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side
Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 2x7, 1x6
DB Spider curls: 30lb DB - 5x5 each side
Skullcrushers w/EZ bar: 45lbs added - 5x8

Weds 8/10

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 315 cals; 2.51 miles

PM Training - Hamstrings
Elliptical; 2 mins

Stability ball roll: 3x20, 1x25
Bridge w/50lb DB: 3x20, 1x22
Seated leg curls: 10 - 4x12
1-legged DB SLDL: 50lb DB - 5x12 each side

Tuesday 8/9

AM Training - Legs/Quad Focus

5 min On Demand Leg video

Squat/swing w/20lb kettlebell: 3x15, 1x16
Leg exts: 10 - 1x10; 12 - 5x8
Calf raises on step: 2x40, 1x42, 1x45, 1x48
DB Squats: 40lb DBs - 2x10; 45lb DBs - 3x10
Lunge/squat, 1 leg behind: 1x12*, 1x14*, 1x15*, 1x16*
*each side

Crunch on fitball w/med ball held O/H: 4x25

**Behind in posting again....go figure!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monday 8/8

AM Training - Chest & Back
Elliptica; - 3 mins

Incline cable flyes: 5 - 2x12, 1x11
Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 4x12
Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 9 - 4x10
Seated vertical cable chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 2x8; 9 - 1x7, 1x8
1-armed bent-over DB rows: 50lb DB - 2x8*, 3x7*
*each side
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 1x8, 1x10, 1x9, 1x10

Cals: 1,615
Fat: 38g/21%
Carbs: 90.5g/20%
Protein: 143.6g/38%

Sunday 8/7

Elliptical; 45 mins; 488 cals; 3.85 miles

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday 8/4

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 481 cals; 3.81 miles

Weds 8/3

AM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Elliptical - 3 mins

Straight-arm pulldown: 5 - 1x10, 1x11, 2x12
Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 9 - 1x8, 1x10, 1x9, 1x10
Glute/ham raise: 1x12, 2x15, 1x16
Bent-over 1-armed DB row: 50lb DB - 1x8*, 4x7*
*each side
Kneeling (on bench) cable kickback: 5 - 1x15*; 6 - 1x12*; 7 - 1x12*; 8 - 2x10*
*each side

Decline bench crunch: 1x16, 1x18, 2x20

Tuesday 8/2

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 314 cals; 2.50 miles

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday 8/1

PM Training - Delts/Triceps/Biceps
Elliptical; 3 mins

Seated DB rear delts: 20lb DBs - 1x10, 1x8, 1x12
Cable Upright rows: 10 - 1x10; 11 - 3x8
Skullcrushers w/EZ bar: 40lbs added - 2x10; 45lbs added - 1x9, 1x8, 1x9
Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x6
DB spider curls: 25lb DB - 2x6*; 30lb DB - 3x5*
*each side
DB kickback: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side
Standing DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 4x8

**Moving on to "C" - this is week 1 of round 2 of "C"

Cals: 1,462
Fat: 42.7g/26%
Carbs: 89.4g/22%
Protein: 138.9g/40%

Sunday 7/31

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 489 cals; 3.90 miles

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday 7/25

PM Training - Delts/Triceps/Biceps
Elliptical; 2 mins

High Incline cable shoulder press: 6 - 4x8
Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 2x5, 3x6
Incline DB curls: 25lb DBs - 5x6
Seated cable O/H tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 4x10
Standing cable curls: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 3x8
Cable bar shrugs: 21 - 1x16, 1x18, 2x20
Dips on flat bench: 1x18, 3x20

Cals: 1,247
Fat: 48.4g/35%
Carbs: 85.8g/21%
Protein: 131.8g/44%

**And the workouts Sunday & Monday were the only workouts I was able to fit in last week....

Sunday 7/24

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 461 cals; 3.73 miles

Cals: 1,860
Fat: 50.3g/24%
Carbs: 53.1g/11%
Protein: 124.5g/28%

**Never got a chance to post this last week....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Monday 7/18

No visit PM Monday night....Lindsay isn't doing well - now on kitty hospice care....

Saturday 7/16 & Sunday 7/17

Pond project: Re-dug the hole for the pond & installed new liner, rearranged the rocks, added new mulch....

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday 7/15

Cardio Only Day
AM Cardio

Elliptical; 30 mins; 297 cals; 2.43 miles

Thursday 7/14

PM Training - Legs
Walk to the gym from work
Walk on treadmill; 2 mins

DB Lunges: 20lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 2x8; 485lbs - 4x6
Heavy calf press on leg sled: 755lbs - 1x15, 2x16, 1x15, 1x16
DB SLDLs: 60lb DBs - 1x8, 3x10
Leg exts: 150lbs - 4x8
Seated leg curls: 120lbs - 1x8, 1x7, 1x8, 1x7, 1x8

LF Ab crunch machine: 110lbs - 2x10; 120lbs - 1x8, 1x9

Cals: 1,724
Fat: 52.6g/27%
Carbs: 123.6g/26%
Protein: 153.5g/37%

Weight = 164.8lbs (Friday morning)

Weds 7/13

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 315 cals; 2.53 miles

PM Training - Chest/Biceps/Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Flat cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Slight incline cable chest press: 7 - 2x8; 8 - 1x8; 9 - 2x6
Cable curls: 9 - 3x9, 1x10
Dips on flat bench: 1x16, 3x18
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Incline DB curls: 25lb DBs - 1x6, 1x5, 3x6
O/H Cable tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 3x10, 1x12

Cals: 1,548
Fat: 44.5g/26%
Carbs: 132g/31%
Protein: 160.4g/43%

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monday 7/11 Cardio

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 328 cals; 2.60 miles

Crunch on fitball w/6lb med. ball held O/H: 3x20

Tuesday 7/12

Cardio Only Day
AM Cardio

Spin bike; 25 mins total time
5 min warmup + 20 sprints over 20 mins
Elliptical; 15 mins; 152 cals; 1.23 miles

Cals: 1,678
Fat: 56.1g/30%
Carbs: 54.7g/12%
Protein: 112.2g/28%

Monday 7/11

PM Training - Back & Delts
Elliptical; 2 mins

Seated cable low row: 16 - 3x10
Under-hand grip lat pulldowns: 9 - 2x8; 11 - 2x6, 1x7
High incline cable shoulder press: 6 - 1x9, 1x10, 2x9
Seated cable mid row: 10 - 3x8, 1x7, 1x8
Seated DB Side laterals: 20lb DBs - 1x6, 1x5, 1x6, 1x5, 1x6
Cable shrugs: 21 - 2x20, 1x18, 1x20

Cals: 1,641
Fat: 42.2g/23%
Carbs: 101.5g/22%
Protein: 134.4g/35%

**I'm pretty sure I did cardio in the morning as well, but don't have it written down, so I'll have to check & update later....

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday 7/10

Cardio Only day
Walk outside; 1 hour

*Also did some work in the yard moving rocks & mulching....tagged you in the pic on FB....

Cals: 1,878
Fat: 42.5g/20%
Carbs: 60.3g/12%
Protein: 139.9g/31%

Friday 7/8

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 26 mins; 280 cals; 2.23 miles

Thurs 7/7

AM Training - Chest/Biceps/Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Flat cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Incline cable press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 3x8; 9 - 2x6
Cable curls: 9 - 1x10, 2x8, 1x9
Dips on flat bench: 4x16
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Seated cable O/H tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 4x10

Weds 7/6

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 310 cals; 2.50 miles

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tuesday 7/5

PM Training - Back & Delts
Elliptical; 2 mins

Seated cable low rows: 16 - 3x10
Underhand grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 2x10; 9 - 2x8; 10 - 2x7, 1x8
Seated mid row: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 2x6, 2x7
Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 5x5
High incline cable shoulder press: 6 - 4x8
Cable shrugs: 21 - 4x16

Cals: 1,561
Fat: 48.1g/28%
Carbs: 118.7g/28%
Protein: 126g/34%
(little light on the protein, but just couldn't eat anymore today)

Monday 7/4

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 313 cals; 2.52 miles

Crunch on fitball w/med ball held O/H: 4x20

**Struggling with staying motivated....

Friday 7/1 - Sunday 7/3

Weekend of big projects around the house.....

Thursday 6/30

AM Training - Back & Delts
Elliptical; 3 mins

Underhand grip lat pulldowns: 9 - 2x8; 10 - 3x8
Seated cable mid row: 9 - 5x8
Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 5x5
Cable high incline shoulder presses: 6 - 2x8, 2x9
Seated cable low row: 16 - 2x10; 17 - 1x10
Cable shrugs: 21 - 4x20
(using the whole stack on these)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Weds 6/29

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 320 cals; 2.56 miles

Cals: 1,344
Fat: 48.4g/32%
Carbs: 48.8g/11%
Protein: 112.4g/35%

Weight: 164.4lbs

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday 6/28

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 319 cals; 2.56 miles

PM Training - Chest/Biceps/Triceps
Elliptical; 2 mins

Flat cable chest flyes: 5 - 3x10
Flat cable chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 4x8
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Incline DB curls: 25lb DBs - 2x6, 1x5, 2x6
Cable O/H Tricep Exts w/rope: 12 - 3x10, 1x12
Cable curls: 9 - 1x8, 3x10
Dips on flat bench: 2x16, 2x18

Cals: 1,450
Fat: 34.4g/22%
Carbs: 123.4g/32%
Protein: 159.8g/47%

Monday 6/27

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 316 cals; 2.54 miles

Cals: 1,580
Fat: 39.5g/22%
Carbs: 59.6g/13%
Protein: 142.1g/38%

Sunday 6/26

Off Day...

Cals: 1,549
Fat: 33.4g/19%
Carbs: 68.2g/15%
Protein: 119.2g/33%

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday 6/20

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 316 cals; 2.54 miles

Sunday 6/19

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 20 mins total time - 5 min warmup + 15 sprints over 15 mins
Elliptical; 20 mins; 205 cals; 1.66 miles

Monday, June 20, 2011

Saturday 6/18

Off day

Friday 6/17

Kitty emergency last nite + I'm really off day today...

Thursday 6/16

Cardio Only Day

AM Cardio
Spin bike - 10 min warmup + 15 sprints over 15 mins
Elliptical; 15 mins; 152 cals; 1.23 miles

**Glad it was a cardio only shoulder really hurts....also forgot to log my food today...

Weds 6/15

PM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Walked to the gym from work
Reverse Pec deck: 85 - 1x8
(annnnnd hurt my right shoulder on this....ouch!)
Macine back ext: 160lbs - 3x10

Machine lat pulldown: 70 - 3x10; 90 - 2x8; 110 - 3x6
HS Iso-lat high row: 70lbs each side - 3x10
SLDL w/std bar: 90lbs added - 2x6; 110lbs added - 3x6
1-armed DB bench row: 50lb DB - 4x8 each side
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 1x10; 120lbs - 4x8
Hip Abductor: 270lbs - 4x8

Machine ab crunch: 130lbs - 4x10

**Forgot to log my PWO & evening food & now I don't remember what I ate! Nothing off plan tho....

Tuesday 6/14

**Wow! I'm farther behind in posting than I thought....

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 299 cal; 2.44 miles

PM Training - Delts & Triceps
Upright cable rows: 10 - 3x8

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 1x8, 2x7
Seated DB Side laterals: 20lb DBs - 4x5
Seated DB Front laterals: 20lb DBs - 3x6, 1x7
Cable triceps pressdown: 7 - 2x10; 8 - 3x8
DB Tricep exts: 20lb DB - 4x10 each side

Cals: 1,510
Fat: 62.5g/38%
Carbs: 94.6g/22%
Protein: 143.3g/40%

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday 6/13

AM Training - Chest & Biceps
Pushups: 3x15
Seated cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 5x8
Rope cable curls: 10 - 1x10; 11 - 3x8
Seated vertical chest press: 8 - 2x8, 2x10
Curls w/EZ bar: 45lbs added - 3x6

PM Cardio
Walk outside; 45 mins
(too nice out to do the Elliptical)

Cals: 1,616
Fat: 49.5g/28%
Carbs: 82.1g/18%
Protein: 127.3g/33%

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday 6/12

AM Cardio
Spin bike: 20 mins total time; 5 min warmup + 15 sprints @ 15 mins
Elliptical; 20 mins; 200 cals; 1.63 miles

Cals: 1,874
Fat: 39.7g/19%
Carbs: 68.5g/15%
Protein: 124.1g/28%

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday 6/11

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 394 cals; 3.22 miles

Weight = 164.4lbs

Friday 6/10

PM Training - Legs & Abs
Walked to the gym from work
DB Step ups: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Front squats w/std bar: 60lbs added - 2x7
(the bar bothered my shoulder too much, so switched to regular squats)
Squats w/std bar: 90lbs added - 2x8; 110lbs added - 4x7
Single-legged seated calf raises: 55lbs - 2x15*; 60lbs - 3x15*
*each side
Sumo DB squat; heels on plate: 70lb DB - 1x10; 75lb DB - 3x10
Leg exts: 150lbs - 4x10

LF ab crunch: 130lbs - 3x8, 1x10
Side bends w/45lb Plate: 4x8 each side

Cals: 1,896
Fat: 52.5g/25%
Carbs: 164.7g/32%
Protein: 115.4g/25%

Thursday 6/9

AM Training - Chest & Biceps
Pushups: 3x16
Seated cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 5x8
Vertical cable chest press: 7 - 1x10; 8 - 3x8
Standing curls w/EZ bar: 45lbs added - 1x5, 4x6
Rope cable curls: 10 - 2x10; 11 - 3x8

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday 6/8

AM Cardio
Spin bike - 35 mins total time; 5 min w/u, 20 sprints @ 20 mins; 10 min cooldown

Cals: 1,498
Fat: 35g/21%
Carbs: 78.4g/19%
Protein: 150.3g/43%

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday 6/7

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 27 mins; 295 cals; 2.34 miles

PM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Walk to gym from work
ARC trainer - 2 mins
Machine back exts: 160lbs - 3x10
Seated Reverse pec deck: 85lbs - 3x10

Cable Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 100lbs - 2x8; 104lbs (?) - 2x7, 1x6
(added these "extra" weights to the cable stack & I think they are 2lbs each, but unsure)
SLDL w/std bar: 90lbs added - 2x8; 110lbs added - 3x6
DB 1-armed bench rows: 50lb DB - 4x8 each side
HS Iso-lat high rows: 70lbs each side - 3x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 1x10; 120lbs - 4x8
Hip Abductor: 270lbs - 4x8

Cals: 1,249
Fat: 39.8g/29%
Carbs: 88.7g/24%
Protein: 142.1g/47%

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday 6/6

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 315 cals; 2.53 miles

PM Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins
Upright cable rows: 10 - 3x8

Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x7
Seated side DB lateral raises: 15lb DBs - 1x10; 20lb DBs - 3x6
Seated DB front raises: 20lb DBS - 4x6
Cable tricep pressdowns: 7 - 2x10; 8 - 3x8
Lying DB tricep exts: 20lb DB - 1x10*; 25lb DB - 3x8*
*each side

Decline bench crunch: 2x18, 1x16, 1x18

Cals: 1,860
Fat: 33.7g/16%
Carbs: 123.7g/25%
Protein: 158.1g/35%

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday 6/5

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 428 cals; 3.43 miles

Cals: 1,799
Fat: 60.3g/30%
Carbs: 47.6g/10%
Protein: 150.5g/36%

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday 6/4

Off day - worked Matt's Middletown, DE show

Weight = 163.6lbs

Friday 6/3

PM Training - Legs & Abs
Walked to gym from work

DB step ups on high platform: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Sumo DB squat, heels on plate: 65lb DB - 1x10; 70lb DB - 3x10
Front squats w/std bar: 60lbs added - 6x8
SLDLs w/std bar: 90lbs added - 1x7, 1x6; 110lbs added - 2x6, 1x7
Single-legged calf raises: 45lbs - 2x16*, 3x18*
*each side
Leg exts: 150lbs - 3x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 1x10; 115lbs - 1x10; 120lbs - 3x8

Side bends w/45lb Plate: 3x8 each side
LF Ab crunch: 130lbs - 4x8

Cals: 1,510
Fat: 44.8g/27%
Carbs: 108g/27%
Protein: 128.1g/36%

Thursday 6/2

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 30 mins total time - 5 min w/u, 15 sprints over 15 mins, 10 min cooldown

PM Training - Back
Elliptical - 2 mins

Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 3x12
Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 9 - 2x8; 10 - 1x6, 2x7
1-armed DB bench rows: 50lb DB - 4x8 each side
Seated DB reverse lat raises: 25lb DBs - 1x8, 2x10

Cals: 1,675
Fat: 56.7g/30%
Carbs: 124.5g/28%
Protein: 165.7g/41%

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Weds 6/1/11

Off day - had to go into work early & stay late....

Tuesday 5/31

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
Cable upright rows: 10 - 3x8

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 1x6, 2x7
Seated DB side laterals: 15lb DBs - 4x8
Seated DB front raises: 15lb DBs - 1x10, 3x12
Cable tricep pressdowns: 7 - 4x8, 1x10
1-armed O/H DB tricep exts: 20lb DB - 3x10*, 1x12*
*each side

Cals: 1,259
Fat: 44.9g/33%
Carbs: 70.4g/20%
Protein: 140.3g/48%

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday 5/30

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 425 cals; 3.41 miles

PM Training - Chest & Biceps
Pushups: 3x15
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 1x7, 4x8
Seated vertical cable chest press: 7 - 1x8, 3x10
Standing curls w/EZ bar: 40lbs added - 3x6, 1x7; 45lbs added - 1x6
Rope cable curls: 10 - 2x10; 11 - 2x8

Decline bench crunch: 1x15, 2x16

Cals: 2,031
Fat: 81g/36%
Carbs: 93.9g/17%
Protein: 147.4g/31%

Sunday 5/29

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 432 cals; 3.44 miles

Saturday 5/28

Off day - cleaned out the crawl space...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday 5/27

PM Training - Legs
Walked to the parking garage/then to the gym....

DB step ups: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
DB Sumo squat, heels on plate: 65lb DB - 4x10
Front squats w/std bar, narrow stance: 50lbs added - 1x6; 60lbs added - 2x6, 2x7, 1x8
Single-legged seated calf: 55lbs - 2x15*, 2x16*
*each side
Leg exts: 150lbs - 3x10
Hips abductors: 260lbs - 4x10

Cals: 1,246
Fat: 42.4g/31%
Carbs: 112.1g/33%
Protein: 108.2g/36%

*Haven't felt as tired this week working out at night.....haven't been hungry this week much...

Weight = 162.8lbs (Sat. morning)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday 5/26

PM Training - Delts, Triceps & Abs
Walk to gym from work
ARC trainer - 2 mins

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x7
Seated DB side laterals: 15lb DBs - 2x8, 1x9, 1x10
Front raises w/plate: 35lb plate - 1x8, 1x9, 2x10
Seated machine tricep pressdowns: 110lbs - 5x10
Seated tricep ext machine: 110lbs - 4x10

Side bends w/45lb Plate: 4x8 each side
LF Ab crunch machine: 110lbs - 4x10

PWO Cardio
Treadmill; 30 mins; 1.58 miles

Cals: 1,318
Fat: 46.9g/32%
Carbs: 87.1g/24%
Protein: 141.9g/45%

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Weds 5/25

PM Training - Chest & Biceps
**Needed something to do after work so to the gym it was!

ARC Trainer - 3 mins

HS Incline chest press: 45lbs each side - 2x8; 55lbs each side - 1x6, 2x7, 1x6, 1x7
Cable crossovers: 30lbs each side - 3x12
(saw some decent definition while doing these!)
EZ bar curls: 30lbs added - 1x6; 40lbs added - 4x5
Flat chest press w/std bar: 50lbs added - 2x8, 2x9
Rope cable curls: 42.5lbs - 1x10; 50lbs - 3x8

PWO Cardio
Treadmill; 20 mins; 1.06 miles

Cals: 1,173
Fat: 45.5g/35%
Carbs: 88.8g/27%
Protein: 105.7g/38%

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday 5/24

*Decided to hit the gym after all....and since I was at the gym, decided to use some different equipment...

PM Training - Back, Hamstrings & Abs
Walk to gym from work
Elliptical - 3 mins

HS High row: 70lbs each side - 5x8
SLDL w/Std bar: 90lbs added - 5x6
HS Iso-lat row: 55lbs each side - 1x10; 60lbs each side - 3x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 4x8, 1x10
Cable straight-arm pulldowns: 40lbs - 1x10; 50lbs - 2x8
Cable rope crunch: 85lbs - 4x10
Machine back exts: 160lbs - 4x10

**Pretty much just going thru the motions on the workout, so nothing spectacular...

Cals: 1,141
Fat: 38.8g/31%
Carbs: 78.9g/25%
Protein: 122.1g/44%

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sun 5/22 & Mon 5/23

Off days...

Sat 5/21/11

Expedited the show....yes, I'm counting it as cardio! LOL

Friday 5/20/11

AM Training - Back & Abs
Face pulls: 8 - 3x10

Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 4x12
1-armed DB bent over rows: 50lb DB - 1x7*, 2x6*, 2x7*
Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 2x12, 1x10, 1x12

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB - 4x16, 1x18

Thursday 5/19

**Catching up with last week...

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 411 cals; 3.29 miles

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Weds 5/18

AM Training - Legs
Walk on treadmill; 4 mins

Squats w/std bar: 90lbs added - 6x10
SLDL w/std bar: 90lbs added - 1x8; 110lbs added - 3x6, 1x7
High reps seated calf: 90lbs - 1x22, 2x20, 1x22, 1x20
(seriously, I felt sick after doing these they hurt so much!)
Leg exts: 160lbs - 4x6
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 4x8
Seated leg press machine (alt. to hack squat): 190lbs - 2x8; 200lbs - 2x8
Hip abductor: 260lbs - 3x8

**Short on time, but good energy in the gym!! Sore today (Thurs.) Weight = 167lbs

Cals: 1,593
Fat: 34.2g/19%
Carbs: 89.5g/20%
Protein: 149.2g/40%
(Ate my carbs last night, pre & post workout)

Tuesday 5/17

Cardio Only Day

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 20 mins total time - 5 min warmup + 15 sprints over 15 mins
Elliptical; 20 mins; 209 cals; 1.68 miles

Cals: 1,912
Fat: 66.8g/32%
Carbs: 123.3g/24%
Protein: 121.9g/27%

*Decided to do something different for carbs since I'm planning on hitting the gym for legs early AM Weds & have carbs for my last meal today for (hopefully) more energy tomorrow morning....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday 5/16

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 325 cals; 2.60 miles

PM Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical; 2 mins

Cable upright rows: 9 - 1x10; 10 - 3x10
Seated DB rear lat raises: 20lb DBs - 3x12
Seated DB O/H Press: 25lb DBs - 1x8; 30lb DBs - 1x6, 3x7, 1x6
Seated O/H cable tricep ext w/rope: 12 - 1x10, 1x8, 2x10, 1x9
DB Kickbacks: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side

Cals: 2,085
Fat: 54.7g/24%
Carbs: 119.8g/21%
Protein: 150.4g/30%

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday 5/15

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 323 cals; 2.58 miles

PM Training - Chest & Biceps
Elliptical; 2 mins

Seated cable incline flyes: 5 - 3x10
Flat seated cable chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 2x8; 9 - 2x7
Standing Hammer grip DB curls: 25lb DBs - 4x9, 1x10
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
DB Spider curls: 30lb DB - 5x5 each side

Cals: 2,114
Fat: 50.6g/21%
Carbs: 106.7g/19%
Protein: 160.7g/32%

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday 5/14

Off day....cheat meal....

Friday 5/13

Friday the 13th! Dun dun dun!!

AM Training - Legs
Walk on treadmill - 6 mins

Walking lunges on treadmill; 15% incline; 2.0 mph: 3x25 each side
Leg press machine, feet high & wide: 190lbs - 2x10, 1x9, 1x10
Leg exts: 150lbs - 1x7; 160lbs - 1x6, 2x7 (PR!!)
Seated leg curls: 120lbs - 4x8
Hip Abductor: 260lbs - 1x8, 1x10, 1x9, 1x8
Seated calf raises, high reps: 90lbs - 2x20, 1x22, 1x21, 1x20
(Ouch! These hurt!)
Leg Press on leg sled, feet in narrow stance: 395lbs - 1x10; 485lbs - 4x10
(Couldn't get a squat rack all morning! So had to improvise)

Cals: 1,974
Fat: 34.4g/16%
Carbs: 96.7g/18%
Protein: 153.7g/33%

Thursday 5/12

Cardio Only Day

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 20 mins total time; 5 min warmup + 15 sprints over 15 mins
Elliptical; 20 mins; 209 cals; 1.68 miles

Cals: 1,526
Fat: 31.6g/19%
Carbs: 69.1g/16%
Protein: 139.2g/38%

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Weds 5/11

PM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Elliptical - 2 mins
Cable lat pulldowns: 9 - 3x6

Cable straight arm pulldowns: 5 - 1x10, 2x12
1-armed DB bent-over row on flat bench: 50lb DB - 5x7 each side
SLDL w/EZ bar: 140lb added - 5x6
Seated reverse cable pulldown w/rope: 9 - 4x10
Glute/ham raise: 2x15, 2x16

Cals: 1,805
Fat: 50g/25%
Carbs: 104.7g/22%
Protein: 148.9g/35%

Tuesday 5/10

AM Training - Chest & Biceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Seated cable flyes: 5 - 3x12
Seated flat cable chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 1x7, 2x8; 9 - 1x6
DB Spider curls: 25lb DB - 3x6*; 30lb DB - 1x5*, 1x6*
Incline DB press: 35lb DBs - 2x8, 2x9
Standing DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 4x9

PM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 306 cals; 2.48 miles

Cals: 1,734
Fat: 47.0g/24%
Carbs: 103.5g/21%
Protein: 144.5g/35%

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monday 5/9

**Took the day off from work...

Walk, outside, 25 mins
Garden - general outdoor/yard cleanup, planted plants, dug holes, moved dirt....

PM Training - Delts & Triceps
Cable upright rows: 9 - 1x8, 1x10; 10 - 2x8
Seated DB reverse lat raises: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 1x8; 30lb DBs - 1x7, 2x6, 1x8
Cable O/H tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 5x10
DB kickbacks: 25lb DB - 1x10*; 30lb DBs - 3x10*
*each side

Crunch on fitball holding med. ball O/H: 3x25

Cals: 1,291
Fat: 22g/15%
Carbs: 94.3g/27%
Protein: 99.4g/32%

*Underate more than I thought I did...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday 5/8

Mowed the lawn front & back, including the hill.
Did some weeding/gardening
More work on the deck - laid the deck boards (i did the grunt work - holding the boards in place on my hands & knees, pushing them into place, etc)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday 5/7

Expedited the Philly NGA show.....cardio! (11 hours on my feet!)

Thurs 5/5 & Fri 5/6

Off.....didn't feel great...

Weds 5/4

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins

Tuesday 5/3

AM Training - Back & Biceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 4x12
Bent-over 1-armed DB rows: 50 - 5x6 each side
Seated reverse rope pulldowns: 9 - 4x10
Standing DB hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 1x8, 1x9, 2x10
DB spider curls: 20lb DB - 1x6*, 2x5*, 2x6*
*each side

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday 5/2/2011

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x10; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBS - 3x6
Cable upright rows: 10 - 1x8, 3x10
Seated DB rear lateral raises: 20lb DBs - 1x12; 25lb DBs - 2x10
Seated cable O/H tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 1x10; 13 - 2x8, 1x9, 1x8
DB Kickbacks: 25lb DB - 1x12*; 30lb DB - 3x10*
*each side

**No cardio...I'm exhausted! Building a deck frame is hard work!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sat 4/30 & Sunday 5/1

Deck build!

Friday 4/29

No "official" cardio...but after work, I mowed the lawn front & back & then we went to Lowe's & got all the wood & concrete for the deck build...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Thursday 4/28

AM Training - Legs & Abs
Treadmill - 6 mins

Walking lunges on treadmill; 2.0mph; 15% incline: 2x20*, 1x25*
*each side
Squats w/std. bar: 90lbs added - 6x10
High rep seated calf: 90lbs - 2x25, 2x22, 2x23 (whew!!)
Machine back exts: 160lbs - 3x10
Life Fitness ab crunch: 110lbs - 4x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 1x12; 115lbs - 1x10; 120lbs - 2x10
Seated Leg Press machine, feet high & wide: 190lbs - 3x8, 1x10
(pseudo hack squat)
Leg exts: 150lbs - 1x6, 2x7

*No cardio - I've been really exhausted the past couple of days!

Cals: 2,437
Fat: 77.2g/29%
Carbs: 162.6g/25%
Protein: 177.3g/31%
(Pizza for dinner....)

**Weight = 166.2lbs this morning (Friday morning)....I hate the scale...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday 4/27/11

AM Training - Chest & Biceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Incline cable flye: 5 - 3x12
Flat cable chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 2x8; 9 - 2x8
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 2x8, 2x10
Standing DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 2x10, 1x9, 1x8
DB Spider curls: 15lb DB - 1x6*; 20lb DB - 1x6*; 25lb DB - 1z5*, 2x6*
*each side

*Exhausted after work, so no cardio....reduced carbs instead...

Cals: 1,835
Fat: 56.9g/28%
Carbs: 96.2g/18%
Protein: 154.6g/35%

*Weight back up to 167.6lbs....ARGGHHHH!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday 4/26

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 2x8, 1x7
Cable upright row: 10 - 2x8; 11 - 2x8
Seated DB rear lateral raise: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Seated cable O/H tricep ext w/rope: 12 - 2x10; 13 - 2x8, 1x10
DB kickback: 25lb DB - 1x10*, 1x12*; 30 - 2x10*
*each side

PM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 322 cals; 2.58 miles

Cals: 1,611
Fat: 43.5g/24%
Carbs: 100.5g/22%
Protein: 143.6g/37%

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday 4/25

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 322 cals; 2.58 miles

PM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Elliptical; 3 mins
Wide-Grip Lat pulldowns: 8 - 1x8, 2x10

Cable straigh-arm pulldowns: 5 - 4x12
1-armed DB bent-over row: 50lb DB - 2x8*, 3x7*
*each side
Seated cable reverse rope pulldown: 9 - 2x10, 2x12
Glute/Ham raise: 3x16, 2x18
Leg exts: 10 - 2x10; 11 - 3x8
(in case it's still broken when I go to the gym later in the week)

Cals: 1,435
Fat: 40.9g/26%
Carbs: 86.7g/21%
Protein: 146.7g/43%

Sunday 4/24

Off day....Happy Easter!

Sat 4/23 Macros

Cals: 1,581
Fat: 15.3g/9%
Carbs: 53.6g/13%
Protein: 108.5g/30%

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday 4/23

AM Cardio
Spin bike - 5 min warmup + 15 sprints over 15 mins
20 mins total time

Elliptical; 20 mins; 212 cals; 1.71 miles

**Will post macros later....

This concludes week 4 of "B"....begin Week 1 of "C" tomorrow....

Friday 4/22

**Off day....considering it off as I didn't get to dig much...

Thursday 4/21

AM Training - Chest & Biceps
Elliptical - 3 mins

Seated cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Slight incline cable chest press: 6 - 1x10; 7 - 1x10; 8 - 2x8; 9 - 2x6
Leg exts: 10 - 4x10
(to make up from missing them on leg day)
Cable curls: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 3x8
Incline DB Presses: 35lb DBs - 3x8, 1x10
Incline DB curls, hammer grip: 25lb DBs - 4x6

PM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 312 cals; 2.51 miles

Cals: 2,194
Fat: 59.1g/24%
Carbs: 152.4g/27%
Protein: 147.3g/28%

*Overate a bit....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weds 4/20/2011

AM Training - Legs & Abs
Treadmill - 3 mins

DB Lunges: 22.5lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 5x10
Squats w/std bar: 90lbs added - 1x10, 2x8, 1x9
Heavy calf press on leg sled: 755lbs - 1x15, 1x16, 4x15
Leg press on leg sled: 505lbs - 2x6; 525lbs - 1x6, 3x7 (PR! Woot!)
Machine back exts: 160lbs - 3x10
Hip Abductor: 270lbs - 4x8
(Leg extension machine is still broken - will do them tomorrow with chest. Replacing sissy squats w/leg exts)

Side bends w/45lb Plate: 4x8 each side
Life Fitness Ab Crunch machine: 110lbs - 4x10

**No cardio - not on leg days...

Cals: 1,853
Fat: 41.6g/20%
Carbs: 130.2g/28%
Protein: 151.9g/34%

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday 4/19

AM Cardio
Spin bike - 5 min warmup + 15 sprints over 15 mins
20 mins total time

Elliptical; 20 mins; 200 cals; 1.61 miles

Cals: 1,659
Fat: 50.5g/27%
Carbs: 73.9g/17%
Protein: 165.3g/41%

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday 4/18

AM Training - Back & Hamstrings
(at home)
Elliptical - 2 mins
Seated DB rear lateral raises: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Glute/ham raise: 4x15

Lat pulldown underhand grip: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 2x8; 11 - 2x6
Seated cable mid row: 9 - 2x8; 10 - 3x8
1-legged DB deads: 50lb DB - 2x12*, 1x14*, 1x15*
*each side
Seated cable low row: 17 - 1x10, 2x11, 1x10

PM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 318 cals; 2.52 miles

Cals: 1,740
Fat: 51.6g/27%
Carbs: 105.3g/23%
Protein: 166.2g/40%

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday 4/17

Elliptical; 30 mins; 336 cals; 2.63 miles

Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical - 1 minute
Upright cable rows: 9 - 3x8

Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 5x5
Cable shrugs: 21 - 4x16
Cable high incline shoulder press: 5 - 1x10; 6 - 1x10; 7 - 2x8
Dips on bench w/fee on fitball: 4x12
Seated DB O/H Tricep ext: 20lb DB - 4x10 each arm

Cals: 1,610
Fat: 42.4g/23%
Carbs: 90.6g/22%
Protein: 138.6g/35%

Sat 4/16

Off day

Friday 4/15

AM training - Legs
Treadmill - 3 mins

DB Lunges: 22.5lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 3x10, 2x12
Hip Abductor: 270lbs - 4x8
Front squats w/std bar: 60lbs added - 4x6
(Leg ext machine was broken)
Squats w/std bar: 90lbs added - 4x8
Leg press on leg sled: 445lbs - 2x8; 505lbs - 4x6
Heavy calf press on leg sled: 755lbs - 6x15

Life Fitness machine ab crunch: 115lbs - 4x10

**Weight still sitting @ 166lbs, but strength is good!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday 4/14

AM Training - Back & Hamstrings (light)
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side
Seated rear lat raises: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Glute/Ham Raise: 3x15

Under-hand grip lat pulldown: 9 - 1x10; 10 - 1x8; 11 - 3x6
Seated cable mid-rows: 8 - 1x10; 9 - 1x8; 10 - 3x8
1-legged DB deads: 50lb DB - 2x12*, 2x15*
*each side
Seated low row: 16 - 1x10; 18 - 2x10

*Decided to do the seated leg curls whilst at the gym Fri. morning as I like their machine better than mine.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Weds 4/13/11

AM Training - Chest & Abs
Elliptical - 3 mins

Seated cable Flyes: 5 - 3x12
Seated cable incline press: 7 - 2x10; 8 - 3x8
Incline DB Press: 30lb DBs - 1x10; 35lb DBs - 2x8, 1x9

Crunch on fitball holding med. ball O/H: 4x25
Reverse crunch on flatbench: 2x16, 1x20

PM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 321 cals; 2.54 miles

Cals: 1,806
Fat: 55.9g/27%
Carbs: 96g/20%
Protein: 156.3g/35%

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday 4/12

AM Training - Delts, Biceps, Triceps
(at home)
Elliptical; 2 mins
Cable upright rows: 9 - 3x8

DB Seated side laterals: 15lb DBs - 2x6; 20lb DBs - 3x5
Cable shrugs: 21 - 4x15
Incline inward cable shoulder press: 5 - 1x8; 6 - 3x8
Cable curls: 9 - 1x10; 10 - 3x8
Dips on flat bench, feet on stability ball: 4x12
Hammer grip incline DB curls: 25lb DBs - 5x6
Seated cable O/H tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 1x12; 13 - 3x10

Monday 4/11

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 457 cals; 3.68 miles

Sat 4/9 & Sun 4/10


Friday 4/8

AM Training - Legs, Biceps, Abs
(at the gym)
Treadmill; 2 mins

DB Lunges: 20lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Leg Exts: 110lbs - 4x15
(I don't like the Sissy Squats, I don't think I'm doing them correctly)
Leg press on leg sled: 445lbs - 2x8; 485lbs - 2x6; 505lbs - 2x6
Heavy calf press on leg sled: 755lbs - 5x15
Squats w/Std bar: 90lbs added - 4x8

Side bends w/plate: 35lb plate - 1x10*; 45lb plate - 3x8*
*each side
Nautilus ab crunch: 110lbs - 2x12, 2x10

Incline DB curls; hammer grip: 20lb DBs - 2x6; 25lb DBs - 2x6; 27.5lb DBs - 1x4, 1x5
Cable curls: 35 - 2x8, 1x9, 1x8

Thursday 4/7


Weds 4/6

Elliptical; 40 mins; 418 cals; 3.33 miles

**Finally found my workout list (couldn't find it!!), so now I can update!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday 4/5/11

AM Training - Back & Hamstrings
(at home)
Elliptical; 2 mins
DB reverse lat raises: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Glute/ham raises: 3x15

Under-hand grip lat pulldowns: 9 - 2x8; 11 - 1x6, 2x7
Seated cable mid-rows: 8 - 1x8; 9 - 2x8; 10 - 2x8
1-legged DB Deads: 50lb DB - 1x10*, 3x12*
*each side
Seated low row: 12 - 1x12; 14 - 1x12; 16 - 1x10; 18 - 1x10
Seated leg curls: 11 - 4x8, 1x10

Cals: 1,541
Fat: 35.2g/20%
Carbs: 89g/22%
Protein: 135.9g/36%

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monday 4/4

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
DB in/out: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Cable upright rows: 9 - 3x8

Seated DB side laterals: 15lb DBs - 1x8; 20lb DBs - 4x6
Cable shrugs: 21 - 4x16
Cable shoulder inward press: 5 - 1x8; 6 - 3x8
Cable rope pressdowns: 6 - 4x10
Skullcrushers w/EZ bar: 45lbs added - 1x8, 3x10

Cals: 1,557
Fat: 43.3g/25%
Carbs: 85.7g/21%
Protein: 166.4g/44%

Sunday 4/3

Cardio only day

Elliptical; 30 mins; 303 cals; 2.45 miles

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday 4/2

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 285 cals; 2.34 miles

Friday 4/1/11

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 301 cals; 2.45 miles

PM Training - Legs
Walked to the gym from work
Treadmill - 3 mins

DB lunges: 20lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Sissy squat w/DB: 30lb DB - 1x16; 45lb DB - 3x15
Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 1x8; 445lbs - 1x8; 485lbs - 2x8; 535lbs - 2x6
Heavy calf press on leg sled: 805lbs - 5x15
Squats w/std bar: 90lbs added - 4x8
Seated calf: 115lbs - 3x15
Hip abductor: 260lbs - 1x8; 270lbs - 3x8

Nautilus ab crunch: 110lbs - 2x12, 2x10

Cals: 1,792
Fat: 36.6g/18%
Carbs: 130.5g/28%
Protein: 157.3g/36%

Thursday 3/31

Off day

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Weds 3/30/11

Stayed home from work sick...

Elliptical; 30 mins; 307 cals; 2.48 miles

Training - Chest & Biceps
Seated vertical cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Incline cable inward chest press: 5 - 1x8; 6 - 1x6, 1x7, 1x7, 1x8
Cable curls: 9 - 2x8; 10 - 2x8
Incline cable chest press: 6 - 1x8; 7 - 3x8
Incline seated DB curls, hammer grip: 25lb DBs - 5x6

**Not a spectacular workout...just something light...

Tuesday 3/29

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 423 cals; 3.42 miles

**That's it for today....left work early - sick..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday 3/28

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins
Cable upright rows: 9 - 3x10

Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 2x5, 3x6
Cable bar shrug: 18 - 1x16; 21 - 1x12, 1x15, 1x16
Cable Incline inward shoulder press: 4 - 1x10; 5 - 1x10; 6 - 2x8
Cable rope tricep pressdowns: 6 - 4x10
D-ring underhand tricep exts: 3 - 2x10*, 1x8*, 1x10*
*each side
(can't do dips - bothers my shoulder too much)

Cals: 1,479
Fat: 31.7g/19%
Carbs: 88.8g/23%
Protein: 140g/39%

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday 3/27

Training - Back & Hamstrings & Abs
ARC Trainer - 2 mins
Various rotator cuff moves w/10lb plate

Under-hand grip lat pulldowns: 100lbs - 2x8; 120lbs - 2x7, 3x6
Machine back exts: 160lbs - 3x10
Seated cable low row: 85 - 2x10, 1x11
DB SLDLs: 65lb DBs - 4x8
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 1x12; 120lbs - 2x10; 130lbs - 2x8
T-bar rows: 70lbs - 1x6, 2x8, 2x7

Side Bends w/plate: 45lb Plate - 4x8 each side
Cable rope crunch: 85lbs - 4x10

Edit to add PWO Cardio:
Treadmill; 20 mins; 1.14 miles

Cals: 1,710
Fat: 45.3g/24%
Carbs: 110.3g/25%
Protein: 131.1g/32%

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday 3/26

Off day...feel terrible, but I think I had some good workouts this week - I'm feeling it!

Weight - 166.2lbs

Friday 3/25

AM Training - Legs
Walk on treadmill - 4 mins

DB Step ups: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Sumo DB squat, heels on plate: 65lb DB - 4x10
Front squats w/std bar: 50lbs added - 1x6; 60lbs added - 1x6; 70lbs added - 2x6; 80lbs added - 2x6
Seated calf raises, single leg: 55lbs - 1x15*; 60lbs - 4x15*
*each side
Leg Exts: 130lbs - 1x10; 140lbs - 2x10; 150lbs - 1x10, 1x9 PR! Woot!
Hip Abductor: 270lbs - 4x8

**It's official - I'm sick....came home from work, had some soup & went to bed...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday 3/24

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical; 2 mins
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 1x6, 2x7
Seated side DB lateral raises: 15lb DBs - 1x10, 1x9, 2x10
Seated front DB raises: 15lb DBs - 2x10, 1x11, 1x12
Skullcrushers w/EZ bar: 40lbs added - 1x10; 45lbs added - 2x8, 2x9
Seated O/H cable tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 3x10, 1x11

Cals: 1,624
Fat: 48.7g/27%
Carbs: 102.5g/24%
Protein: 127.3g/32%

**Macros are weird cuz I haven't been feeling well & felt sick to my stomach when I got home from work & had some crackers. Couldn't eat dinner - just had a protein shake.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday 3/23/11

Cardio only day

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 421 cals; 3.40 miles

Cals: 1,622
Fat: 57g/31%
Carbs: 64.6g/15%
Protein: 132.4g/34%

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday 3/22/11

AM Training - Back & Hamstrings

Machine back ext: 150lbs - 3x10
Wide-grip lat pulldown: 100 - 2x8; 120 - 1x6, 2x5
SLDL w/std bar: 90lbs added - 2x6; 100lbs added - 3x6
HS High row: 70lbs each side - 3x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 1x8, 1x10; 120lbs - 3x8
1-armed DB bench row: 50lbs DB - 4x8 each side

Cable rope crunch: 80lbs - 3x12, 1x10

Cals: 1,658
Fat: 44.1g/24%
Carbs: 94.7g/22%
Protein: 141g/35%

**And I'm in Second place in the stair-climbing event at work!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday 3/21/11

AM Training - Chest & Biceps
Seated cable flyes: 5 - 3x10

Pushups, hands on bench: 1x16, 1x15, 1x18
Incline cable inward chest press: 6 - 2x8; 7 - 3x6
Seated cable vertical chest press: 8 - 3x8, 1x10
EZ bar curls: 40lbs added - 2x6; 45lbs added - 2x5, 1x6
Rope cable curls: 10 - 1x10, 1x9; 11 - 2x8

Side bends w/25lb Plate: 4x15 each side

Cals: 1,170
Fat: 31g/23%
Carbs: 81.9g/25%
Protein: 147.2g/51%

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday 3/20

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 417 cals; 3.36 miles

Also cleaning & home projects...

Sat 3/19


Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday 3/18

AM Training - Legs

DB Step ups: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Sumo DB squats, heels on plate: 65lb DB - 4x10
Front squats w/std bar: 50lbs added - 2x6; 70lbs added - 4x6
1-legged seated calf: 55lbs - 6x15 each side
SLDLs w/std bar: 90lbs added - 2x6; 100lbs added - 4x6
Leg exts: 130lbs - 1x10; 135lbs - 2x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 5x8
Hip Abductor: 260lbs - 3x8

Thursday 3/17

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
Upright cable rows: 10 - 3x8

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 2x6, 1x7
Seated DB Side Laterals: 20lb DBs - 4x5
Seated front DB raises: 15lb DBs - 3x10, 1x12
Cable Tricep Pressdowns: 7 - 1x8, 4x10
Seated Cable O/H Tricep Exts w/rope: 12 - 4x10

Street up to 4th floor
4th floor Up to 7th
4th floor Up to 7th
4th floor up to 5th & back down

4th floor down stairs & out to Mail box & back – 220 steps each way
4th floor down stairs & out to Mail box across street (Wilm. Trust) & back – 290 steps each way

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Weds 3/16

4:30pm and they shut the air off in the building....too hot to work late, so I said I'm leaving & going to work out!!

Training - Back
Seated DB reverse Lat raises: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Cable straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 2x10, 1x12
Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 1x8, 1x8; 10 - 2x6
DB 1-armed Bench row: 50lb DB - 4x8 each side

Crunch on fitball w/Med ball held O/H: 4x20

Stairs: 15 flights
Walking: 16 "sides" of a city block (4 sides = 1 block)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday 3/15

Off....felt horrible today...didn't even get any stairs in...

Also havent' been keeping track of my food...keep finding that it's 3:30pm all of a sudden & I haven't eaten...

Monday 3/14

Nothing "official" training-wise, but we are doing a stair/block challenge at the office to try & get us walking more...had to work late again....

Come in: Parking Garage stairs down from 1
Leave: Parking Garage stairs up to 1

4th floor Up to 8th
11th floor down to 4th
4th floor Down to Street
4th floor Up to 8th
4th floor Up to 8th

Around the building 1x (4 sides)

Sunday 3/13

Training - Chest & Bis
Seated cable chest flyes: 5 - 3x10
Pushups, hands on bench: 1x12, 2x14
Cable incline inward chest press: 6 - 1x6, 4x8
Seated vertical chest press: 7 - 1x10; 8 - 3x8
Curls w/EZ bar: 40lbs added - 5x6
Rope cable curls: 10 - 4x8

PWO cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 321 cals; 2.57 miles

Saturday 3/12


Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday 3/11

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 422 cals; 3.39 miles

Crunch on fitball w/med. ball held overhead: 3x20

Thursday 3/10


Wednesday 3/9

AM Training - Back & Hams
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side
Glute/ham raise: 3x15

Cable straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 1x10, 2x12
Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 1x8; 9 - 2x8; 10 - 2x6
1-armed DB bench row: 50lb DB - 4x8 each side
Seated leg curls: 10 - 1x8; 11 - 4x8

*Ran out of time to do the SLDLs...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday 3/8/11

Cardio Only day.

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 418 cals; 3.36 miles

Cals: 1,730
Fat: 54.1g/27%
Carbs: 72.1g/16%
Protein: 161.7g/38%

**Weight = 164.8lbs this morning (Weds. am)....and I'm mailing your check today. I forgot to earlier - my mind is fried!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday 3/7/11

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x6
Seated side DB laterals: 20lb DBs - 4x5
Seated front DB raises: 15lb DBs - 4x10
Cable tricep pressdown: 7 - 5x8
Seated cable O/H tricep ext w/rope: 12 - 4x10

**Worked late, no cardio...

Cals: 1,899
Fat: 50.3g/23%
Carbs: 139.6g/28%
Protein: 149.1g/32%

**Had pasta for dinner & overate....ugh!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sunday 3/6/11

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 431 cals; 3.45 miles

PM Training - Chest & Biceps
Cable chest flyes: 5 - 3x10

Pushups - 3x16
Incline inward cable chest press: 5 - 1x8; 6 - 4x8
Seated vertical chest press: 6 - 1x10; 7 - 3x8; 8 - 1x8
Curls w/EZ Bar: 40lbs added - 5x6
Rope cable curls: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 1x8; 11 - 2x8

Cals: 1,892
Fat: 45.7g/22%
Carbs: 86.6g/18%
Protein: 148.2g/33%

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday 3/5

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 427 cals; 3.42 miles

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday 3/4

**Decided 5 hours of OT was enough & stayed late at work Thursday to leave early & hit the gym!

Training - Legs & Arms
Walked to the gym from work
Treadmill; 2 mins

DB step ups: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Sumo DB Squat: 60lb DB - 2x10; 65lb DB - 2x10
Single-legged seated calf: 55lbs - 2x15*, 2x18*
*each side
Front squats w/std bar: 50lbs added - 2x6; 70lbs added - 4x6
Hip Abductor: 260lbs - 1x10, 1x8, 2x10
Leg exts: 130lbs - 2x10; 135lbs - 1x10

Rope cable curls: 42.5lbs - 1x8, 1x10; 50lbs - 2x8
EZ bar curls: 40lbs added - 5x5

Life Fitness Ab crunch machine: 110lbs - 2x12, 2x10
Side bends w/45lb Plate: 3x8 each side

**Workout felt good!! Nice end to a VERY tough week....

Cals: 1,813
Fat: 50.9g/25%
Carbs: 105.2g/23%
Protein: 149.9g/34%

Thursday 3/3


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday 3/2

No exercise - needed the extra sleep as I've been feeling like I'm in a daze most of the time...

And now I can't remember what I ate for macros! LOL

Tuesday 3/1/11

AM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Elliptical - 5 mins

Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 1x8; 10 - 3x6
SLDL w/EZ bar: 140lbs added - 1x6, 2x7, 2x8
(I think the EZ bar weighs 12lbs)
1-armed DB rows: 50lb DB - 4x8 each side
Cable straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 3x12
Seated leg curls: 10 - 1x8, 1x10; 11 - 1x8; 12 - 2x8

Cals: 1,552
Fat: 34.8g/20%
Carbs: 81.3g/20%
Protein: 149.6g/40%

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday 2/28

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical - 3 mins

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 1x6, 1x7, 1x6
Seated side DB lateral raises: 20lb DBs - 4x5
Seated front DB raises: 15lb DBs - 2x10, 2x12
Cable tricep pressdown: 6 - 1x10; 7 - 2x10; 8 - 1x8
Seated cable O/H tricep ext w/rope: 12- 2x10, 2x12

**Had to work late, so no cardio....stress level off the charts!

Cals: 1,405
Fat: 33.4g/21%
Carbs: 96g/26%
Protein: 141.2g/41%

Sunday 2/27

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 423 cals; 3.39 miles

Reverse crunch on foam roller: 2x20, 2x30

**Was going to lift in the afternoon, but still had that in-a-fog crappy feeling.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday 2/26

Off day...feeling crappy, like in a fog & exhausted.

Friday 2/25

Had plans on going to the gym after work but ended up working late.....feeling totally exhausted! Rough week & next week is going to be worse...

Thursday 2/24

AM Training - Chest & Biceps
Elliptical; 5 mins

Pushups, hands on bench: 2x16, 1x18
Cable incline inward chest press: 5 - 2x8; 6 - 2x6, 7 - 1x6
Cable vertical chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 1x8; 9 - 2x8
EZ bar curls: 40lbs added - 2x8; 50lbs added - 3x5
Rope cable curls: 10 - 4x8

**Had to work late, no cardio...

Cals: 1,557
Fat: 47.6g/27%
Carbs: 84.1g/20%
Protein: 163.1g/43%

**Weighed in at 166lbs...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weds 2/23

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 35 mins total time
10 min warmup
15 sprints over 15 mins
10 min cooldown

**Had a company retirement party to attend after work....didn't eat much of the food but did partake of a piece of dessert.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday 2/22/11

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 311 cals; 2.46 miles

PM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Walked to the gym from work
ARC Trainer - 2 mins

Wide-grip cable lat pulldowns: 100 - 2x8; 120 - 3x5
SLDL w/Std. bar: 90lbs added - 2x8; 110lbs added - 1x6, 1x7, 1x6
Seated calf: 115lbs - 4x15
1-armed DB rows: 50lb DB - 4x8 each side
HS High Row: 70lbs each side - 2x10; 75lbs each side: 1x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 5x8

Cable rope crunch: 80lbs - 1x12; 87.5lbs - 3x10
(Used a different cable machine than usual)

Cals: 1,493
Fat: 35.7g/21%
Carbs: 98.2g/25%
Protein: 153.2g/42%

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday 2/21/11

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
DB In/Out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x6
Seated DB Side Laterals: 20lb DBs - 1x5, 1x6, 2x5
DB Front Raises: 15lb DBs - 1x10, 3x12
Cable Tricep Pressdowns: 6 - 1x10; 7 - 3x10
Seated cable O/H Tricep Exts w/rope: 12 - 4x10

**No cardio due to working late & PM Vet visit

Cals: 1,351
Fat: 28.5g/19%
Carbs: 84.1g/23%
Protein: 151.9g/46%

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday 2/20

Elliptical; 30 mins; 319 cals; 2.51 miles

**Was going to lift in the afternoon, but decided to clean the house & move some furniture around...

Cals: 1,637
Fat: 35g/19%
Carbs: 67.1g/16%
Protein: 139.8g/35%

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday 2/19

Instead of cardio today, I cleaned carpets for about 6 hours - fun stuff!!

Friday 2/18

PM Training - Legs & Abs
Walked to the gym from work...

Sumo DB Squat: 60lb DB - 1x10, 3x12
Front squat on Smith Machine: 25lbs each side - 1x8; 35lbs each side - 2x8; 40lbs each side - 1x8; 45lbs each side - 2x6
SLDL w/Std bar: 90lbs added - 2x8; 110lbs added - 1x7, 1x8, 1x7
(got some looks doing these! LOL)
Seated calf: 115lbs - 5x15
Hip Abductor: 260lbs - 4x8
Leg exts: 120lbs - 2x10; 130lbs - 2x10

Side bends w/Plate: 35lb plate - 2x12*; 45lb plate - 2x8*
*each side
Cable rope crunch: 85 lbs - 4x10

Cals: 1,690
Fat: 45.1g/23%
Carbs: 98.4g/22%
Protein: 145.3g/35%

Thursday 2/17

Still not feeling good...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weds 2/16

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 313 cals; 2.52 miles

**Planned on doing chest PM, but I didn't feel good during the day & I felt worse as the day went on.

Tuesday 2/15/11

Cardio Only day

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 486 cals, 3.86 miles

Cals: 1,626
Fat: 45.3g/24%
Carbs: 72.2g/17%
Protein: 152.7g/39%

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


166lbs this morning (Wednesday am)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday 2/14

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 319 cals; 2.54 miles

PM Training - Arms
DB concentration curls: 20lb DB - 3x8 each side
Lying DB O/H Tricep Ext: 25lb DB - 3x8 each side
Standing Cable Curls: 9 - 4x8
D-ring underhand tricep ext: 3 - 1x7*, 3x8*
*each side
Seated incline DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 4x6
Seated cable O/H Tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 4x10

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB - 4x20

Cals: 1,381
Fat: 38.7g/25%
Carbs: 98.5g/27%
Protein: 163g/48%

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday 2/13

*Decided to start working out again today, can't avoid the room Maddie lived in forever...instead of cardio tho, did some home projects.

Back & Shoulders
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side
Straight-arm pulldown: 5 - 3x10

Reverse-grip lat pulldown: 10 - 1x8, 2x9, 1x8
Seated cable mid-row: 9 - 5x8
1-armed DB row: 50lb DB - 1x7*, 2x6*, 1x8*
*each side
Seated DB O/H Press: - 25lb DBs - 5x8
Rear delt raises on bench: 20lb DBs - 4x10

Cals: 1,489
Fat: 35.6g/21%
Carbs: 88.7g/22%
Protein: 124.2g/34%

Thursday, February 3, 2011

No posting for a while....

The kitty I adopted last February after Thomas died took a turn for the worse. I've been trying to treat her at home but it wasn't helping. Took her to the vet last nite and they actually recommended euthanasia as opposed to treatment.

So it's looking like she'll have to be put to sleep within the next day or so...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday 2/1

AM Training - Back & Shoulders
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side
Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 3x10

Reverse-grip lat pulldowns: 10 - 2x8, 2x10
Seated cable mid-row: 8 - 1x10; 9 - 1x8; 10 - 2x8
1-armed DB row: 50lb DB - 3x7*, 1x8*
*each side
Seated DB O/H Press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 2x8
Rear delt raises: 20lb DBs - 1x10, 3x12

Cals: 1,740
Fat: 53.6g/28%
Carbs: 89g/19%
Protein: 147.8g/36%

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Monday 1/31

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 414 cals; 3.31 miles

Cals: 1,897
Fat: 58.2g/27%
Carbs: 76.6g/15%
Protein: 185.6g/40%

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday 1/30

Training - Legs & Triceps
DB Lunges: 20lb DBs - 4x10 each side
Squats w/std bar: 50lbs added - 1x10; 70lbs added - 2x10

Front squats w/std bar, feet shoulder width apart: 50lbs added - 2x6; 70lbs added - 3x6
SLDL w/std bar: 70lbs added - 1x8; 90lbs added - 2x8; 100lbs added - 2x8
Seated calf raise: 115lbs - 2x15, 3x16
Hip Abductor: 260lbs - 4x8
Leg exts: 120lbs - 1x10; 130lbs - 1x10; 140lbs - 2x10
Seated tricep ext machine: 110lbs - 2x10; 125lbs - 2x8
Sumo DB Squat, heels on plate: 60lb DB - 1x10, 3x12
Seated Tricep Pressdown machine: 130lbs - 1x10; 140lbs - 3x8

Cable rope crunch: 85lbs - 4x10

**Sore this morning!

Cals: 1,678
Fat: 39.6g/21%
Carbs: 88.9g/20%
Protein: 156.6g/39%

Saturday 1/29

Off day.....did work around the house...

Cals: 1,846
Fat: 44.9g/22%
Carbs: 68.8g/15%
Protein: 147.2g/34%

Friday 1/28 Macros

Cals: 1,793
Fat: 41.9g/21%
Carbs: 117.3g/25%
Protein: 158.2g/36%

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday 1/28

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 324 cals; 2.56 miles

PM Training - Back
DB in/out: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Seated reverse DB lat raises: 20lb DBs - 3x10

Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 1x8; 9 - 2x8; 10 - 3x6
1-armed bent-over DB row: 50lb DB - 1x8*, 3x7*
*each side
Close-grip pulldown w/V-bar: 10 - 2x8, 1x10

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB - 4x16

**Back a bit tight from shoveling, but still a decent workout!

*Weight = 168lbs still....

Friday, January 28, 2011


Off day....shoveled 1 hour...

Weds 1/26

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 485 cals; 3.83 miles

Cals: 1,928
Fat: 60.2g/28%
Carbs: 122.5g/24%
Protein: 142.1g/30%

Tuesday 1/25

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 324 cals; 2.56 miles

PM Training - Chest
Seated cable chest flyes: 4 - 3x10
Pushups, hands on bench: 3x16
Incline inward chest press: 5 - 1x8, 1x10; 6 - 4x8
Seated cable vertical chest press: 6 - 1x10; 7 - 1x10; 8 - 1x10, 1x9, 1x10

Cals: 1,580
Fat: 49.5g/28%
Carbs: 116.3g/28%
Protein: 126.8g/33%

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday 1/24 Macros

Cals: 1,578
Fat: 38.9g/23%
Carbs: 112.1g/26%
Protein: 153.7g/41%

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday 1/24

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 318 cals; 2.52 miles

PM Training - Arms & Shoulders
Seated DB O/H Press: 20lb DBs - 3x8
Seated DB Hammer curls: 20lb DBs - 3x8
Seated cable O/H Tricep Exts w/rope: 12 - 3x10
Standing cable curls: 9 - 4x8
Cable upright rows: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 3x8
Standing single-arm cable curls: 4 - 1x6 each arm
D-ring underhand tricep exts: 3 - 2x7*, 2x8*
*each arm
Seated DB lateral raises: 20lb DBs - 2x5, 2x4

*Look! A normal-ish day! LOL Will post macros later....

Sunday 1/23

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 318 cals; 2.52 miles

**Was going to lift later in the day, but got busy with putting away all the Xmas decorations....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday 1/22 Macros

Cals: 1,808
Fat: 42.6g/21%
Carbs: 72g/16%
Protein: 151.7g/35%

Weight still holding at 168lbs....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday 1/22

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 466 cals; 3.73 miles

*Will post macros tomorrow....

Friday 1/21


Thursday 1/20

What, did I forget to post? LOL

AM Training - Back & Shoulders
DB in/out: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Straight arm pulldowns: 5 - 3x10

Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 3x8
1-armed bent-over DB rows: 45lb DB - 4x8 each side
Close-grip pulldowns w/V-bar: 9 - 3x10
Cable upright rows: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 3x8
Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 4x4

**Went out to dinner after work...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Weds 1/19

AM Training - Arms
Cable curls: 9 - 4x8
Seated cable O/H tricep ext w/rope: 12 - 4x10
Single-arm cable curls: 4 - 4x6 each arm
D-ring underhand cable tricep ext: 2 - 1x15*; 3 - 3x8*
*each arm
Standing DB hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 5x8
Tricep pressdowns: 6 - 4x10

Cals: 1,711
Fat: 47.7g/25%
Carbs: 97g/21%
Protein: 139.4g/34%

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday 1/18

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 412 cals; 3.30 miles

Cals: 1,426
Carbs: 67.8g/18%
Protein: 148.6g/43%

*Weight = 168lbs (Weds am)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday 1/17 Macros

Cals: 1,602
Fat: 31.4g/18%
Carbs: 129.3g/32%
Protein: 155.6g/40%

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday 1/17

*Had the day off from work, so hit up the gym! Decided to do legs AND chest as it should be a busy week at work again and I wanted to use some of the diff. equipment at the gym for chest....and I had the time!

Training - Legs & Chest
ARC trainer - 3 mins

DB Lunges: 22.5lb DBs - 3x10 each side
Squats w/Std bar: 70lbs added - 3x10
SLDL w/std bar: 90lbs added - 2x6; 110lbs added - 3x6
Heavy calf pres on leg sled: 755lbs - 3x15; 775lbs - 2x12
Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 2x8; 415lbs - 4x8
Cable Crossovers: 30lbs each side: 3x8
Rope cable crunch: 85lbs - 4x10
HS Incline smith bench: 25lbs each side: 3x8; 30lbs each side: 2x6, 1x7
HS chest press: 50lbs each side: 4x8
Hip Abductor: 260lbs - 4x8

*Great workout - felt good!

Sunday 1/16

AM Cardio
Ellipitcal; 40 mins; 428 cals; 3.39 miles

Cals: 1,485
Fat: 33.5g/20%
Carbs: 76.8g/20%
Protein: 127.8g/37%

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday 1/15


Friday 1/14/11

AM Training - Legs
Step-ups on bench: 3x10 each side
Leg exts: 11 - 4x10
Kneeling cable kickback (kneeling on bench): 6 - 5x10 each side
Calf raises on 2x4: 3x30, 1x35
DB Lunges: 25lb DBs - 4x8 each side

**Decided to do legs at home Friday....meant to post this Friday, but was too busy at work....tough week - glad it's over!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday 1/13

*Decided to sleep in an extra hour instead of getting up to workout....boy did I need it!!

Cals: 1,231
Fat: 31.1g/23%
Carbs: 51.5g/16%
Protein: 138.3g/48%

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weds 1/12/11

AM Training - Back & shoulders
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side
Hyperexts on fitball: 3x20

Wide grip lat pulldown: 7 - 2x10; 8 - 2x10; 9 - 3x8
1-armed DB row: 45lb DB - 4x8 each side
Close-grip pulldown w/V-bar: 9 - 3x10
Cable upright rows: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 1x8, 1x10; 11 - 1x6
Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 1x4, 3x5

Cals: 1,632
Fat: 52.1g/29%
Carbs: 89.6g/21%
Protein: 155.3g/40%

**More OT @ work so no cardio.....weight = 166.2lbs this morning (Thursday am)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday 1/11/11

Cardio only day...

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 487 cals; 3.84 miles

Can you say Red Velvet cheesecake? MMMM

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday 1/10/11 Macros

Cals: 1,368
Fat: 30.2g/20%
Carbs: 90g/26%
Protein: 136.3g/42%

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday 1/10/11

AM Training - Chest
Seated incline cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Pushups, hands on bench: 1x15, 2x18
Seated Cable incline inward chest press: 5 - 1x8; 6 - 2x8; 7 - 3x6
Seated cable vertical chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 3x10

Sunday 1/9/11 Macros

Cals: 1,954
Fat: 58.1g/27%
Carbs: 114.6g/24%
Protein: 154.9g/33%

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday 1/9/11

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 35 mins; 373 cals; 2.96 miles

PM Training - Arms
Cable curls: 8 - 2x10; 9 - 2x8
D-ring underhand cable tricep exts: 2 - 3x12 each side
DB Standing hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 4x8
Cable tricep pressdown w/rope: 5 - 4x10
Seated DB concentration curls: 20lb DB - 4x8 each side
Seated O/H cable tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 3x10

Side bends w/20lb kettlebell: 4x16 each side

*I'll post my macros later on....

Saturday 1/8/11

Much needed rest day!

Cals: 1,739
Fat: 46.5g/24%
Carbs: 45g/10%
Protein: 150.9g/37%

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday 1/7/11

Cardio only day...

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 462 cals; 3.70 miles

*Another long day at work....had a cheat meal tonite....

Thursday 1/6/11

**More OT at no cardio today...

Cals: 1,720
Fat: 59.1g/31%
Carbs: 93.3g/22%
Protein: 158.4g/38%

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday 1/6/11

AM Training - Legs
Walk on treadmill - 5 mins

Squats w/std bar, wide stance: 50lbs added - 1x8; 60lbs added - 2x8
SLDL w/std bar: 70lbs added - 2x8; 90lbs added - 3x8
Calf press on leg sled: 755lbs - 2x16; 775lbs - 4x12
Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 2x8; 415lbs - 4x8
Hip Abductor: 250lbs - 1x8; 255lbs - 1x8; 260lbs - 2x8
DB Walking lunges: 22.5lb DBs - 4x10 each side

Cable rope crunch: 85lbs - 4x10

Wednesday 1/5/11

AM Training - Chest
Seated cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Pushups, hands on bench: 1x15, 2x16
Cable incline seated chest press: 6 - 1x10; 7 - 1x10; 8 - 4x8
Seated cable inward chest press: 5 - 1x8; 6 - 3x8

**Long day at work, so no cardio...

Cals: 1,710
Fat: 55.6g/29%
Carbs: 106.8g/24%
Protein: 148g/36%

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday 1/4/2011

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 504 cals; 3.91 miles

*Cardio only day

Cals: 1,514
Fat: 52.9g/31%
Carbs: 58.4g/15%
Protein: 153.5g/42%

Weight = 167lbs this morning (Weds morning)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monday 1/3/2011

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 35 mins; 391 cals; 3.03 miles

PM Training - Arms
Cable curls: 8 - 3x10
Cable D-ring underhand tricep exts: 2 - 1x12*, 2x15*
*each side
Standing DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 4x8
Seated cable O/H Tricep Exts w/rope: 11 - 1x12; 12 - 3x10
DB Concentration curls: 20lb DB - 4x8 each arm
Tricep pressdowns: 5 - 2x10; 6 - 2x10

Cals: 1,519
Fat: 44g/26%
Carbs: 120.4g/32%
Protein: 153.1g/42%

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday 1/2/2011

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 340 cals; 2.60 miles

Side bends w/20lb Kettlebell: 2x16*, 1x20*
*each side

PM Training - Back & Shoulders
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side
Hyperexts on fitball: 3x20
Seated DB O/H Press: 20lb DBs - 2x10

Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 1x8; 9 - 2x8, 2x9
Bent-over 1-armed DB row: 45lb DB - 2x8*, 2x10*
*each side
Close-grip pulldown w/V-bar: 8 - 1x12; 9 - 1x10, 1x12
Cable upright rows: 9 - 1x10; 10 - 3x8
Seated DB side laterals: 15lb DBs - 1x6; 20lb DBs - 3x6

Cals: 1,603
Fat: 54.1g/30%
Carbs: 96.4g/23%
Protein: 144.5g/37%

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Thursday 12/30/10

AM Training - Chest
Pushups, hands on bench: 1,15,2x16

Seated cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Seated vertical chest press: 7 - 2x10; 8 - 2x8, 2x10
Incline inward chest press: 6 - 2x8, 2x9

**Had trouble getting moving this morning....

Weds 12/29/10

PM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 315 cals; 2.49 miles