Saturday, June 29, 2013

Friday 6/28/13

Cardio and Abs - AM

Elliptical; 40 mins; 4.45 miles

Side bends w/45lb Plate: 4x10 each side
Kneeling Cable Crunch: 72.5lbs - 1x15; 80lbs - 3x10

Cals: 1,454
Fat: 48.9g
Carbs: 115.7g
Protein: 130.4g

**Macros are approximate as I had 2 sushi rolls for dinner, and don't have exact macros on them.....

Thursday 6/27/13

Off Day

Cals: 1,487
Fat: 61.4g
Carbs: 106g
Protein: 127.2g

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Weds 6/26/13

AM Weds 6/26/13


Walk on Treadmill; 10 mins

Glute/Ham Raise: 1x15, 1x18, 1x20
Sumo DB Squat: 95lb DB - 4x10
SLDL w/Std Bar: 90lbs added - 1x7; 110lbs added - 1x6; 120lbs added - 2x6, 1x7
Seated Leg Curl: 110lbs - 1x8, 3x10

**Tough workout! Felt tired today, but got it done....

Cals: 1,593
Fat: 48.5g
Carbs: 98.6g
Protein: 147.0g

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tuesday 6/25/13

AM Workout Tues. 6/25/13

Cardio & Shoulders

Treadmill; 32 mins; 2.09 miles; Includes 5 sprints @ 1 min. each @ 6.4mph

Cable crossover lat raises: 5lbs* - 4x15
*each side
Front raises w/45lb plate: 4x6
Seated DB Arnold Press: 30lb DBs - 1x8, 3x7
Seated DB Lateral raises: 15lb DBs - 1x10; 20lb DBs - 1x6, 2x7
DB Wrist curls: 20lb DB - 1x12*, 2x15*
Upright rows w/EZ bar: 30lbs added - 4x12
Machine Shoulder Press: 20lbs - 1x30

Cals: 1,345
Fat: 31.6g
Carbs: 113.1g
Protein: 146.5g

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monday 6/24/13

am Monday 6/24/13

Chest & Triceps

Elliptical; 10 mins; 1.16 miles
Step Mill; 5 mins; .36 miles

Cable Crossover: 20* - 1x15; 25* - 1x15; 30* - 2x10;
Burnout: 15* - 1x30
*each side
DB Bench Press: 45lb DBs - 4x8
Dips on Flat Bench w/feet on opposite bench: 4x15
Incline DB Press: 30lb DBs - 1x15; 35lb DBs - 1x12; 40lb DBs - 2x10
Cable Tricep pressdown: 65 - 1x15; 72.5 - 1x12; 80 - 1x10
Burnout: 42.5 - 1x30
Seated Tricep Press Machine: 110 - 1x15; 120 - 1x12; 130 - 1x10

Cals: 1,407
Fat: 37.4g
Carbs: 112.4g
Protein: 149.8g

Monday, June 24, 2013

Sunday 6/23/13

Sunday 6/23/13


Elliptical; 32 mins; 3.33 miles; 289 cals

Squats w/std bar: 50 (weight added to bar)- 1x10; 90 - 2x8; 110 - 2x6
Hack Squat: 180 - 3x8, 1x9
Standing calf press on Hack Squat: 180 - 2x20, 2x22
Leg Exts: 185lbs - 4x8
Leg Exts: 90lbs - 1x30

Kneeling cable crunch: 65 - 1x15, 2x20
Hanging leg raises: 3x15

Cals: 1,500
Fat: 41.8g
Carbs: 96.8g
Protein: 140.7g

Saturday 6/22/13

I began beginning my routine on Saturdays and really like it....


Treadmill; 32 mins total time; 2.21 miles; 235 cals burned per machine
Includes 5 sprints total - 3 @ 1 min each, 2 @ 2 mins each

Pullups (I'm working on learning how to do these): 2, 1
Underhand grip pulldown: 70 - 1x15; 85 - 1x12; 100 - 1x12; 120 - 1x8
Wide grip lat pulldown: 70 - 1x30
Rows w/EZ bar: 70 - 1x8, 3x7 S
hrugs on HS Shrug machine: 180lbs - 3x15, 1x12
EZ Bar curls: 20 (weight added to bar) - 1x12; 30 - 3x8
1-armed DB Row: 60 - 1x6*, 2x7*
*each side
Standing DB Hammer curls: 30s - 1x4; 25s - 2x6