Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday 8/30

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 322 cals; 2.55 miles

PM Training - Chest/Triceps/Delts
Elliptical - 2 mins

Cable upright rows: 10 - 3x12
DB Bench Press: 40lb DBs - 2x12, 1x11
Incline DB Press: 30lb DBs - 2x12, 1x11, 1x12
Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 4x5
Dips on flat bench: 1x16, 2x18
Cable pushdowns: 6 - 1x12; 7 - 2x10

Cals: 1,576
Fat: 38.0g/22%
Carbs: 107.0g/25%
Protein: 159.7g/43%

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday 8/29

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 318 cals; 2.52 miles

PM Training - Back/Bis/Calves/Abs
Elliptical - 2 mins

Hyperexts on fitball: 4x20
Wide-grip cable lat pulldowns: 9 - 3x10, 1x12
Seated cable mid-row: 8 - 3x12, 1x15
Seated calf (on bench, holding plates on lap): 100lbs - 2x25, 2x35
Standing curls w/EZ bar: 45lbs added - 4x6
Standing DB Hammer curls: 30lb DBs - 1x6, 1x5, 2x6

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB: 2x20, 1x22
Leg scissors on flat bench: 3x20 count

Cals: 1,451
Fat: 27.7g/17%
Carbs: 102.7g/28%
Protein: 149.3g/43%

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday 8/28

Cardio only day....

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 476 cals; 3.78 miles

Cals: 1,681
Fat: 56.7g/31%
Carbs: 52.4g/11%
Protein: 176.2g/45%

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sat 8/27

Worked the OCB Burlington, NJ show (cardio?)

Friday 8/26

AM Training - Legs & Abs
Elliptical - 2 mins

DB Sumo Squat: 50lb DB - 4x12
Lunge/squat - back leg crossed behind, w/25lb DBs - 4x12 each side
1-legged DB SLDL w/50lb DB: 5x12 each side
Leg exts: 13 - 2x7; 14 - 1x7, 2x8
Seated leg curls: 12 - 4x10

Side bends w/20lb Kettlebell: 4x15 each side
Decline bench crunch: 4x18

PWO Cardio
Elliptical; 25 mins; 281 cals; 2.19

Thursday 8/25

Off day...

Weds 8/24

PM Training - Back/Delts/Calves
Elliptical - 2 mins

Cable upright rows: 10 - 4x10
Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 2x12; 6 - 1x8, 1x10
Bent-over 1-armed DB row: 50lb DB - 2x8*, 3x7*
Calf raises on step: 3x40, 1x42, 1x40
Wide-grip pulldowns: 9 - 2x10; 10 - 1x7, 1x8
Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x8
Front raises w/30lb DB (held in both hands): 3x8, 1x10

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB - 4x20

Tuesday 8/23

Ended up being an off day - plumbing problem
(backed up kitchen sink & broke the connection on the trap putting it back together)

Monday 8/22

Behind again? Sheesh!

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 325 cals; 2.56 miles

PM Training - Chest/Biceps/Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Seated incline cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Seated vertical cable chest press: 9 - 5x6
Standing Hammer DB curls: 30lb DBs - 4x8
DB Kickbacks: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Standing Cable 1-armed curl: 4 - 2x6*; 5 - 3x5*
*each side
Seated cable O/H Tricep exts w/rope: 13 - 3x8, 2x9

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday 8/21

Instead of doing formal cardio (no tux!) I mowed the lawn front & back along with trimming some hedges....big storm was coming so wanted to get it done!

Good, solid hour of yard work I'd say....

Saturday 8/20

Technically an off day, but was active doing projects around the house....finally got all the trimwork done around the new peninsula in the kitchen!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday 8/19

AM Training - Legs & Triceps
Elliptical - 2 mins

Squat/swing w/20lb kettlebell: 3x12
Lunge/squat, back leg crossed behind: 4x15 each side
DB Sumo squat: 50lb DB - 4x12
Calf raises on step: 3x40, 2x45
DB kickback: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side
Leg exts: 12 - 3x8; 13 - 1x7, 1x8
DB squats: 50lb DBs - 6x10

**Ran out of time so didn't get to do the 2nd tricep exercise....

Thursday 8/18

PM Cardio
Spin bike: 10 min warmup + 20 sprints over 20 mins + 10 min cooldown
40 mins total time

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB - 3x20

Weds 8/17

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 486 cals; 3.84 miles

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday 8/16

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 333 cals; 2.61 miles

Side bends w/20lb Kettlebell: 5x15 each side

PM Training - Chest/Biceps/Delts
Elliptical - 2 mins

Incline cable flyes: 5 - 3x10
Standing Hammer DB curls: 25lb DBs - 1x8, 1x9, 1x10; 30lb DBs - 1x8
Seated vertical cable chest press: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 2x6, 1x7
DB spider curls: 30lb DB - 1x5*, 4x6*
*each side
Incline DB chest press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Cable upright rows: 10 - 1x9; 11 - 3x8
Seated DB O/H press: 25lb DBs - 1x8; 30lb DBs - 2x6, 1x7, 1x8

Cals: 1,656
Fat: 39.6g/21%
Carbs: 151.1g/34%
Protein: 139.2g/35%

Monday 8/15

Training - Back & Hamstrings
Elliptical - 3 mins

Straight-arm cable pulldown: 5 - 4x12
Glute/Ham raise: 2x15, 2x16
1-armed DB bent-over rows: 50lb DB - 2x7*, 3x8*
*each side
Wide-grip cable lat pulldowns: 9 - 3x8, 1x9
Seated leg curls: 10 - 1x12; 11 - 1x10, 2x11
1-legged DB SLDL: 50lb DB - 4x15*, 1x16*
*each side

Sunday 8/14

Elliptical; 30 mins; 323 cals; 2.55 miles

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thursdy 8/11

AM Training - Delts/Triceps/Biceps
Elliptical; 2 mins

Upright cable rows: 10 - 2x8, 2x10
Seated DB rear delts: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Standing DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 3x9, 1x10
DB Kickback: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side
Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 2x7, 1x6
DB Spider curls: 30lb DB - 5x5 each side
Skullcrushers w/EZ bar: 45lbs added - 5x8

Weds 8/10

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 315 cals; 2.51 miles

PM Training - Hamstrings
Elliptical; 2 mins

Stability ball roll: 3x20, 1x25
Bridge w/50lb DB: 3x20, 1x22
Seated leg curls: 10 - 4x12
1-legged DB SLDL: 50lb DB - 5x12 each side

Tuesday 8/9

AM Training - Legs/Quad Focus

5 min On Demand Leg video

Squat/swing w/20lb kettlebell: 3x15, 1x16
Leg exts: 10 - 1x10; 12 - 5x8
Calf raises on step: 2x40, 1x42, 1x45, 1x48
DB Squats: 40lb DBs - 2x10; 45lb DBs - 3x10
Lunge/squat, 1 leg behind: 1x12*, 1x14*, 1x15*, 1x16*
*each side

Crunch on fitball w/med ball held O/H: 4x25

**Behind in posting again....go figure!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monday 8/8

AM Training - Chest & Back
Elliptica; - 3 mins

Incline cable flyes: 5 - 2x12, 1x11
Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 4x12
Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 9 - 4x10
Seated vertical cable chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 2x8; 9 - 1x7, 1x8
1-armed bent-over DB rows: 50lb DB - 2x8*, 3x7*
*each side
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 1x8, 1x10, 1x9, 1x10

Cals: 1,615
Fat: 38g/21%
Carbs: 90.5g/20%
Protein: 143.6g/38%

Sunday 8/7

Elliptical; 45 mins; 488 cals; 3.85 miles

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday 8/4

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 481 cals; 3.81 miles

Weds 8/3

AM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Elliptical - 3 mins

Straight-arm pulldown: 5 - 1x10, 1x11, 2x12
Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 9 - 1x8, 1x10, 1x9, 1x10
Glute/ham raise: 1x12, 2x15, 1x16
Bent-over 1-armed DB row: 50lb DB - 1x8*, 4x7*
*each side
Kneeling (on bench) cable kickback: 5 - 1x15*; 6 - 1x12*; 7 - 1x12*; 8 - 2x10*
*each side

Decline bench crunch: 1x16, 1x18, 2x20

Tuesday 8/2

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 314 cals; 2.50 miles

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday 8/1

PM Training - Delts/Triceps/Biceps
Elliptical; 3 mins

Seated DB rear delts: 20lb DBs - 1x10, 1x8, 1x12
Cable Upright rows: 10 - 1x10; 11 - 3x8
Skullcrushers w/EZ bar: 40lbs added - 2x10; 45lbs added - 1x9, 1x8, 1x9
Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x6
DB spider curls: 25lb DB - 2x6*; 30lb DB - 3x5*
*each side
DB kickback: 30lb DB - 4x10 each side
Standing DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 4x8

**Moving on to "C" - this is week 1 of round 2 of "C"

Cals: 1,462
Fat: 42.7g/26%
Carbs: 89.4g/22%
Protein: 138.9g/40%

Sunday 7/31

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 489 cals; 3.90 miles

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday 7/25

PM Training - Delts/Triceps/Biceps
Elliptical; 2 mins

High Incline cable shoulder press: 6 - 4x8
Seated DB side laterals: 20lb DBs - 2x5, 3x6
Incline DB curls: 25lb DBs - 5x6
Seated cable O/H tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 4x10
Standing cable curls: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 3x8
Cable bar shrugs: 21 - 1x16, 1x18, 2x20
Dips on flat bench: 1x18, 3x20

Cals: 1,247
Fat: 48.4g/35%
Carbs: 85.8g/21%
Protein: 131.8g/44%

**And the workouts Sunday & Monday were the only workouts I was able to fit in last week....

Sunday 7/24

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 461 cals; 3.73 miles

Cals: 1,860
Fat: 50.3g/24%
Carbs: 53.1g/11%
Protein: 124.5g/28%

**Never got a chance to post this last week....