Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday 2/26

Off day...feeling crappy, like in a fog & exhausted.

Friday 2/25

Had plans on going to the gym after work but ended up working late.....feeling totally exhausted! Rough week & next week is going to be worse...

Thursday 2/24

AM Training - Chest & Biceps
Elliptical; 5 mins

Pushups, hands on bench: 2x16, 1x18
Cable incline inward chest press: 5 - 2x8; 6 - 2x6, 7 - 1x6
Cable vertical chest press: 7 - 1x8; 8 - 1x8; 9 - 2x8
EZ bar curls: 40lbs added - 2x8; 50lbs added - 3x5
Rope cable curls: 10 - 4x8

**Had to work late, no cardio...

Cals: 1,557
Fat: 47.6g/27%
Carbs: 84.1g/20%
Protein: 163.1g/43%

**Weighed in at 166lbs...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weds 2/23

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 35 mins total time
10 min warmup
15 sprints over 15 mins
10 min cooldown

**Had a company retirement party to attend after work....didn't eat much of the food but did partake of a piece of dessert.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday 2/22/11

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 311 cals; 2.46 miles

PM Training - Back & Hamstrings
Walked to the gym from work
ARC Trainer - 2 mins

Wide-grip cable lat pulldowns: 100 - 2x8; 120 - 3x5
SLDL w/Std. bar: 90lbs added - 2x8; 110lbs added - 1x6, 1x7, 1x6
Seated calf: 115lbs - 4x15
1-armed DB rows: 50lb DB - 4x8 each side
HS High Row: 70lbs each side - 2x10; 75lbs each side: 1x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 5x8

Cable rope crunch: 80lbs - 1x12; 87.5lbs - 3x10
(Used a different cable machine than usual)

Cals: 1,493
Fat: 35.7g/21%
Carbs: 98.2g/25%
Protein: 153.2g/42%

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday 2/21/11

AM Training - Delts & Triceps
DB In/Out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side

Seated O/H DB Press: 20lb DBs - 2x8; 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 3x6
Seated DB Side Laterals: 20lb DBs - 1x5, 1x6, 2x5
DB Front Raises: 15lb DBs - 1x10, 3x12
Cable Tricep Pressdowns: 6 - 1x10; 7 - 3x10
Seated cable O/H Tricep Exts w/rope: 12 - 4x10

**No cardio due to working late & PM Vet visit

Cals: 1,351
Fat: 28.5g/19%
Carbs: 84.1g/23%
Protein: 151.9g/46%

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday 2/20

Elliptical; 30 mins; 319 cals; 2.51 miles

**Was going to lift in the afternoon, but decided to clean the house & move some furniture around...

Cals: 1,637
Fat: 35g/19%
Carbs: 67.1g/16%
Protein: 139.8g/35%

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday 2/19

Instead of cardio today, I cleaned carpets for about 6 hours - fun stuff!!

Friday 2/18

PM Training - Legs & Abs
Walked to the gym from work...

Sumo DB Squat: 60lb DB - 1x10, 3x12
Front squat on Smith Machine: 25lbs each side - 1x8; 35lbs each side - 2x8; 40lbs each side - 1x8; 45lbs each side - 2x6
SLDL w/Std bar: 90lbs added - 2x8; 110lbs added - 1x7, 1x8, 1x7
(got some looks doing these! LOL)
Seated calf: 115lbs - 5x15
Hip Abductor: 260lbs - 4x8
Leg exts: 120lbs - 2x10; 130lbs - 2x10

Side bends w/Plate: 35lb plate - 2x12*; 45lb plate - 2x8*
*each side
Cable rope crunch: 85 lbs - 4x10

Cals: 1,690
Fat: 45.1g/23%
Carbs: 98.4g/22%
Protein: 145.3g/35%

Thursday 2/17

Still not feeling good...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weds 2/16

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 313 cals; 2.52 miles

**Planned on doing chest PM, but I didn't feel good during the day & I felt worse as the day went on.

Tuesday 2/15/11

Cardio Only day

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 486 cals, 3.86 miles

Cals: 1,626
Fat: 45.3g/24%
Carbs: 72.2g/17%
Protein: 152.7g/39%

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


166lbs this morning (Wednesday am)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday 2/14

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 319 cals; 2.54 miles

PM Training - Arms
DB concentration curls: 20lb DB - 3x8 each side
Lying DB O/H Tricep Ext: 25lb DB - 3x8 each side
Standing Cable Curls: 9 - 4x8
D-ring underhand tricep ext: 3 - 1x7*, 3x8*
*each side
Seated incline DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 4x6
Seated cable O/H Tricep exts w/rope: 12 - 4x10

Crunch on fitball w/50lb DB - 4x20

Cals: 1,381
Fat: 38.7g/25%
Carbs: 98.5g/27%
Protein: 163g/48%

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday 2/13

*Decided to start working out again today, can't avoid the room Maddie lived in forever...instead of cardio tho, did some home projects.

Back & Shoulders
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side
Straight-arm pulldown: 5 - 3x10

Reverse-grip lat pulldown: 10 - 1x8, 2x9, 1x8
Seated cable mid-row: 9 - 5x8
1-armed DB row: 50lb DB - 1x7*, 2x6*, 1x8*
*each side
Seated DB O/H Press: - 25lb DBs - 5x8
Rear delt raises on bench: 20lb DBs - 4x10

Cals: 1,489
Fat: 35.6g/21%
Carbs: 88.7g/22%
Protein: 124.2g/34%

Thursday, February 3, 2011

No posting for a while....

The kitty I adopted last February after Thomas died took a turn for the worse. I've been trying to treat her at home but it wasn't helping. Took her to the vet last nite and they actually recommended euthanasia as opposed to treatment.

So it's looking like she'll have to be put to sleep within the next day or so...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday 2/1

AM Training - Back & Shoulders
DB in/out: 15lb DB - 3x10 each side
Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 3x10

Reverse-grip lat pulldowns: 10 - 2x8, 2x10
Seated cable mid-row: 8 - 1x10; 9 - 1x8; 10 - 2x8
1-armed DB row: 50lb DB - 3x7*, 1x8*
*each side
Seated DB O/H Press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 2x8
Rear delt raises: 20lb DBs - 1x10, 3x12

Cals: 1,740
Fat: 53.6g/28%
Carbs: 89g/19%
Protein: 147.8g/36%

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Monday 1/31

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 40 mins; 414 cals; 3.31 miles

Cals: 1,897
Fat: 58.2g/27%
Carbs: 76.6g/15%
Protein: 185.6g/40%