Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday 11/30

Another month in the books!

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 307 cals; 2.74 miles

PM Weights - Chest & Arms

Pushups to failure: 2x18, 2x20
Incline DB Press: 40lb DBs - 1x8, 2x7, 1x8, 1x7
(Wow these felt heavy!)
Flat DB X reps: 40lb DBs - 3x10
Curls w/EZ bar: 40lbs added - 3x8; 45lbs added - 1x6
Cable tricep pressdowns w/short bar: 7 - 2x8; 8 - 2x6
Cable rope curls: 9 - 2x12
DB kickbacks: 25lb DB - 2x12 each side

Cals: 1,548
Fat: 38.1g/22%
Carbs: 135.9g/34%
Fiber: 30.6g
Net carbs: 105.3g
Protein: 169.5g/44%

**Vegetable soup for dinner put me over on the carbs....

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday 11/29

Cardio Only Day!!

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 469 cals; 4.18 miles

**Also grouted the new tile in the kitchen today, put up the outdoor Christmas lights & cleaned the house up a bit.....

Need to get back on track with the macros....

Cals: 1,572
Fat: 41g/23%
Carbs: 75.2g/18%
Fiber: 14.9g
Net carbs: 60.3g
Protein: 147.5g/38%

Weds 11/25 thru Sat 11/28

OK I need to get caught up!!

Wednesday 11/25

Cardio Only Day

AM HIIT Cardio
Spin bike; 30 mins; 15 sprints

Thursday 11/26

AM Cardio

Elliptical; 45 mins; 452 cals; 4.05 miles

**Decided to see if we could stay over at the place we went to for T-day dinner & they had rooms + we got tickets to Longwood Gardens....we walked around there for 2 hours Thursday night.....

Friday 11/27 - Saturday 11/28

No formal exercise, worked on the tile project in the kitchen.....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday 11/24

Big-Azzed Leg Day!! Abs too....
ATG squats w/std bar: 40lbs added - 2x10; 50lbs added - 2x10; 60lbs added - 2x8

Squats w/std bar: 70lbs added - 2x8; 90lbs added - 3x6
(Nice to use the big plates again!)
Heavy calf press on leg sled: 715lbs - 1x16; 735lbs - 1x16, 2x18
Wide-stance leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 4x10
Seated leg curls: 100lbs - 1x10; 110lbs - 2x8, 1x10
Hip Abductor: 235lbs - 2x10; 240lbs - 1x8
Nautilus machine Hip Adductor: 110lbs - 2x8, 1x6
(These were way harder at a lower weight on this machine.....will try & use this one in the future!)
Seated calf raise: 100lbs - 1x18, 2x20
Walking DB lunge: 30lb DBs - 3x8 each side
Side bend w/45lb plate: 3x8 each side
Cable rope crunch: 70lbs - 1x12; 85lbs - 2x8
DB Step ups: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each side

**Color me fried!!

Cals: 1,689
Fat: 49.1g/25%
Carbs: 155.4g/35%
Fiber: 33.3g
Net carbs: 122.1g
Protein: 162g/39%

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday 11/23

Cardio Only Day!!

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 461 cals; 4.11 miles

**Had my yearly Dr. appt. today......physical, EKG (to get a "normal" baseline) + tetanus shot (ouch!) Got my test & bloodwork orders..... she agrees with me that it may be time for bi-focals soon.....UGH!

Cals: 1,576
Fat: 42.7g/24%
Carbs: 90.6g/22%
Fiber: 19.9g
Net carbs: 70.7g
Protein: 166.7g/43%

Sunday 11/22

AM Training + Cardio
Back & Shoulders

Cable straight-arm pulldowns: 4 - 1x10; 5 - 2x8

Extra-wide cable lat pulldowns: 8 - 2x12, 2x10
SLDL w/EZ bar: 137.5lbs - 1x8, 3x10
(Did these instead of the DB deadlifts as I don't have heavy enough DBs at home....)
Bent-over rows w/EZ bar: 70lbs added - 2x8; 75lbs added - 1x8; 80lbs added - 2x6
Seated reverse cable rope pulldowns: 8 - 1x10, 2x12
Cable upright rows: 8 - 1x8; 9 - 1x8; 10 - 2x6, 1x7
Seated DB side laterals up/down: 15lb DBs - 3x6

PWO Cardio

Elliptical; 30 mins; 321 cals; 2.84 miles

Cals: 1,758
Fat: 51.1g/26%
Carbs: 128g/28%
Fiber: 21.8g
Net carbs: 106.2g
Protein: 163g/37%

Saturday 11/21

Total day off!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fri 11/20

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 449 cals; 4.03 miles

PM Weights - Chest & Arms
Elliptical; 2 mins

Flat DB Press: 35lb DBs - 2x8; 40lb DBs - 2x8; 45lb DBs - 3x6
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 1x10; 40lb DBs - 3x8
Incline DB Flye: 25lb DBs - 1x10, 2x12
Cable curls: 9 - 1x7, 1x8; 10 - 2x6
Rope Pressdown: 5 - 1x8; 6 - 3x6
Standing DB Hammer Curls: 25lb DBs - 1x12; 30lb DBs - 1x10
Dips on flat bench: 1x22, 1x24

**Another suck-ass day at work.....this is only the beginning.....*sigh*

Thursday 11/19

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 279 cals; 2.60 miles

**Had fully intended to work out today, but work got in the way.....had to stay late and by the time I got home I was so tired, stressed & frustrated that I didn't want to work out.....and then I ate a couple things I shouldn't have....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday 11/18

PM Training - Legs + Abs
Walk to the gym from work
ATG squats w/std bar: 40lbs added - 2x10; 50lbs added - 2x10; 60lbs added - 2x8; 70lbs added - 1x8, 1x7

Seated calf raise: 100lbs - 1x16, 1x18; 105lbs - 1x20
Lunges w/std bar: 40lbs added - 3x8 each side
Heavy calf press on leg press: 715lbs - 2x16, 1x18, 1x16
Side bends w/45lb plate: 3x10 each side
Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 2x8; 415lbs - 3x8
Sumo DB squats, heels o plate: 65lb DB - 4x10
Shrugs on HS chest press machine (straddling the bench): 90lbs each side - 1x10, 3x12
Leg Exts: 130lbs - 4x10
Hip Abductor: 235lbs - 1x8, 1x10, 1x8
Hip Adductor: 220lbs - 3x8
Seated leg curls: 100lbs - 1x10; 110lbs - 1x8, 1x10; 115lbs - 1x8
Cable rope crunch: 70lbs - 2x10, 1x12; 85lbs - 1x8

BIG workout today!! I *know* my legs will be sore tomorrow..... I swear my butt is looking a tiny bit better too.....

Cals: 1,515
Fat: 34.2g/20%
Carbs: 152.3g/35%
Fiber: 32.1g
Net carbs: 120.2g
Protein: 161.7g/44%

Tuesday 11/17

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 35 mins - 10 min warmup, 15 sprints; 10 min cooldown

And that's it for today!!

Cals: 1,616
Fat: 47.8g/27%
Carbs: 92.9g/21%
Fiber: 27.1g
Net carbs: 65.8g
Protein: 157.6g/41%

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday 11/16

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 282 cals; 2.63 miles

PM Weights - Back & Shoulders
Cable straight-arm pulldowns: 3 - 2x10; 4 - 2x10; 5 - 1x10
Stability ball roll: 4x25

Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 4x6
SLDL w/EZ bar: 137.5lbs - 3x6, 3x8
1-armed DB row on flat bench: 40lb DB - 1x10*; 45lb DB - 2x10*
*each side
Seated O/H DB press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 1x7, 1x6; 35lb DBs - 1x6 (barely got these! whew!)
Front raises w/DB: 35lb DB - 3x10
Seated Side DB lateral raises: 12lb DBs - 1x10, 1x12; 15lb DBs - 1x10
Crunches on stability ball w/45lb DB - 4x20

**Great workout! Feeling stronger!

**Even tho it means getting up pretty early in the morning, I totally prefer doing my cardio separately from my workouts.....workouts take way too long doing weights + cardio together....

Cals: 1,471
Fat: 36g/22%
Carbs: 123.6g/31%
Fiber: 28.5g
Net carbs: 95.1g
Protein: 166.6g/47%

**Macros may be a bit of an estimate as 1 of my meals was a takeout item.....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday 11/15

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 435 cals; 4.02 miles

**Planned on lifting today, but got busy with errands, cooking & home projects so never got around to it....

Cals: 1,561
Fat: 46.2g/26%
Carbs: 90.5g/21%
Fiber: 14.5g
Net carbs: 76g
Protein: 160.1g/42%

Friday & Saturday

Friday 11/13

AM Cardio

Elliptical; 45 mins; 455 cals; 4.19 miles

Saturday 11/14

Day off....

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday 11/12

PM Training - Legs & Abs
ATG Squats w/std bar: 40lbs added - 2x10; 50lbs added - 2x10; 60lbs added - 2x8; 70lbs added - 1x8 (whew! These were tough!)

Seated calf raise: 95lbs - 1x20; 100lbs - 2x20
Lunges w/std bar: 30lbs added - 1x8 each side; 40lbs added 2x8 each side
Sumo DB squat, heels on plate: 65lb DB - 4x10
Heavy calf press on leg sled: 715lbs - 1x16; 735lbs - 2x16, 1x15
Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 2x8; 415lbs - 1x7, 2x8
Seated leg curls: 100lbs - 1x10; 110lbs - 3x8
Hip Abductor: 235lbs - 3x8
Leg Exts: 130lbs - 4x10
Hip Adductor: 220lbs - 3x8
Hanging leg raises: 3x15
Cable rope crunch: 70lbs - 3x10

**I finally got to use the leg sled in the order you see above as 1 guy was using it thru all of my beginning moves......He had 3 45lb plates on each side so I told him to leave them on....I think he asked me about 4 times if I was sure.....ummmmm, yes I'm sure!!

Ended up stealing my husband's trail mix from him last macros are my best's gone, so won't be buying more of it.....

Cals: 1,963
Fat: 56.2g/25%
Carbs: 182.8g/35%
Fiber: 21.4g
Net carbs: 161.4g
Protein: 152.5g/32%

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday 11/11

PM Cardio
Spin bike; 40 mins total time - 10 min warmup, 15 sprints, 15 min cooldown

Cals: 1,605
Fat: 49.8g/28%
Carbs: 110.1g/25%
Fiber: 17.9g
Net carbs: 92.2g
Protein: 139.9g/36%

**Ended up eating as my last meal PB with mini rice cakes instead of what I had planned.....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday 11/10

PM Training - Chest, Arms & Abs
Elliptical; 3 mins

Flat DB Press: 35lb DBs - 2x8; 40lb DBs - 2x8; 45lb DBs - 2x6
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 1x8, 1x10; 40lb DBs - 2x8
Incline DB Flyes: 25lb DBs - 3x12
Cable curls: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 2x7; 10 - 1x6
Cable rope pressdowns: 5 - 2x8; 6 - 2x6
Standing DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 2x10
Dips to failure on flat bench: 2x20
Decline bench crunches: 3x20
Flat bench hip thrusts: 3x30

**Was happy I could finally up some of the weight as I feel my strength on the chest moves has lagged further behind other areas.....

Cals: 1,574
Fat: 44.1g/26%
Carbs: 120.7g/29%
Fiber: 25.7g
Net carbs: 95g
Protein: 170g/45%

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday 11/9

**Today was supposed to be a training day, but at the last minute at work, I changed my mind & decided I didn't feel like lifting today, so I just did some cardio instead....

PM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 450 cals; 4.09 miles

Cals: 1,456
Fat: 44.5g/28%
Carbs: 102.9g/26%
Fiber: 24.8g
Net carbs: 78.1g
Protein: 163.6g/47%

**Pretty happy with my macros even tho the carbs are a bit high since I changed my plans for the day late in the day....

Sunday 11/8

AM Training + Cardio
Back & Shoulders

Elliptical; 3 mins
Straight-arm cable pulldowns: 3 - 1x10; 4 - 3x10

Wide-grip pulldowns: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 3x7
SLDL w/EZ bar: 112.5lbs - 2x8; 137.5lbs - 4x6
1-armed DB rows: 40lb DB - 3x10 each side
Seated O/H DB press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 2x6, 1x7
Front raises w/DB: 30lb DB - 3x10
Seated DB lateral raises: 12lb DBs - 3x10

PWO Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 321 cals; 2.88 miles

**Spending the rest of the day doing projects around the house.....Spray-foamed around the kitchen window after removing the trim - I now know why the kitchen was so chilly! I could see outside around the window frame!

Had a planned dinner out Sunday nite.....goal for this week is to NOT go out to eat during the week at all.....maybe go out Saturday if at all as I have a new home project in the works for the weekend....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday 11/7

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 40 mins total time; 15 sprints

**Spent the rest of the day doing small projects around the house....mostly involved me crawling around in the crawl space & lugging stuff in & out....

Cals: 1,646
Fat: 44.9g/25%
Carbs: 107.1g/23%
Fiber: 19g
Net carbs: 88.1g
Protein: 168.5g/42%

Friday 11/6

PM Training - Legs & Abs
ATG squats w/std bar: 40lbs added - 2x10; 50lbs added - 2x10; 60lbs added - 2x8

Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 2x8; 415lbs - 1x6, 2x8
Heavy calf press on leg sled: 685lbs - 1x20; 715lbs - 1x16, 2x18
Sumo DB squat, heels on plate: 65lb DB - 4x10
Seated calf: 90lbs - 1x20; 95lbs - 2x20
DB lunges: 25lb DBs - 1x15 each side; 35lb DBs - 2x8 each side
(when I glanced at my sheet I thought I was supposed to do 15-20 reps for the lunges at first!)
Seated leg curls: 100lbs - 1x10; 110lbs - 3x8
Leg exts: 130lbs - 4x10
Hip Adductor: 210lbs - 3x8
Hip Abductor: 230lbs - 3x10
Cable rope crunch: 60lbs - 2x12, 2x15
Hanging leg raises: 4x16

**Had a Staff Recognition breakfast meeting this morning, so there goes the macros for the day yet again....

Great workout tho! Felt strong....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wednesday & Thursday

Wednesday 11/4

**Didn't feel well yesterday, so no exercise of any kind......ended up "comforting" myself by eating..... *sigh*

Still struggling meeting the macros every single day....taking it one day at a time....

Thursday 11/5

PM Weights & Cardio
Chest & Arms

Pushups: 1x15, 1x18

Flat DB Press: 35lb DBs - 2x8; 40lb DBs - 3x8
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Incline DB Flyes: 25lb DBs - 3x12
Cable curls: 8 - 2x8; 9 - 2x7
Cable Rope Pressdowns: 5 - 4x8
DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 2x10
Dips on flat bench: 2x20

**Strength still lagging on the chest moves....

PWO Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 311 cals; 2.84 miles

Thursday Macros:
Cals: 1,556
Fat: 44.6g/26%
Carbs: 126.8g/28%
Fiber: 28.4g
Net carbs: 98.4g
Protein: 169.4g/45%

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday 11/3

Cardio Only Day!!

PM Cardio & Abs
Elliptical; 45 mins; 463 cals; 4.24 miles

Decline bench crunch: 1x20, 2x25
Fitball crunch w/40lb DB: 3x25

Cals: 1,410
Fat: 44.7g/29%
Carbs: 88.4g/20%
Fiber: 27.9g
Net carbs: 60.5g
Protein: 166.7g/50%

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday 11/1 & Monday 11/2

Sunday 11/1

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 45 mins; 446 cals; 4.10 miles

Monday 11/2

PM Weights & Cardio
Back & Shoulders

Warmup: Elliptical; 3 mins

Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 6 - 1x8; 7 - 1x8; 8 - 2x8; 9 - 1x6, 1x7
SLDL w/EZ bar: 112.5lbs - 2x8; 142.5lbs - 4x7
1-armed DB row: 40lb DB - 3x10 each side
Front raises w/25lb plate: 3x12
Seated side DB lateral raises: 12lb DBs - 3x10

PWO cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 306 cals; 2.80 miles

Monday Macros:
Cals: 1,532
Fat: 39.9g/24%
Carbs: 124.6g/31%
Fiber: 16.7g
Net carbs: 107.9g
Protein: 166.9g/45%