Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thurs 4/30 Cardio & Abs

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 30 mins - 15 sprints

Crunch on fitball w/6lb med. ball - 1x20, 2x25
Hip thrusts on bench: 1x35, 2x40

**Am I allowed to have sushi? Figured I could maybe fit it in on Leg day, since it's a higher carb day.....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wedsnesday 4/29 Cardio, Training & Macros

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 282 cals; 2.39 miles

PM Weights - Back & Shoulders B
Warmup on elliptical; 3 mins

Wide-grip pulldowns: 9 - 2x6; 11 - 3x5
SLDL w/EZ bar: 90lbs added - 2x6; 110lbs added - 3x6
1-armed DB row: 40lb DB - 3x10 each side
Cable upright rows: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 2x8; 11 - 1x8
Side DB laterals, up/down: 10lb DBs - 1x6, 12lb DBs - 1x6, 15lb DBs - 1x8, 12lb DBs - 1x8; 10lb DBs - 1x6, 12lb DBs - 1x6, 15lb DBs - 1x8, 12lb DBs - 1x10; 10lb DBs - 1x6, 12lb DBs - 1x6, 15lb DBs - 1x8, 12lb DBs - 1x10

Cals: 1,520
Fat: 40.9g/25%
Carbs: 123.2g/30%
Fiber: 22.3g
Net carbs: 100.9
Protein: 167.2g/46%

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday 4/28

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 312 cals; 2.56 miles

PM Weights - Chest & Arms B
Warmup on elliptical; 3 mins

Pushups to failure: 1x18, 1x16, 1x20, 1x18
Incline DB Press: 40lb DBs - 3x5; 45lb DBs - 3x5
Flat DB x reps: 40lb DBs - 3x10
(I think I did these correctly)
Curls w/EZ bar: 50lbs added - 1x5 (barely! just too heavy for good form); 40lbs added - 3x6
Cable tricep pressdowns: 7 - 2x6; 8 - 2x6
Rope curls: 9 - 2x10
1-armed O/H DB exts: 20lb DB - 2x10 each arm

**No issues with my knee at all today.....

Cals: 1,459
Fat: 40g/24%
Carbs: 124.1g/30%
Fiber: 22.3g
Net carbs: 101.8g
Protein: 162.4g/46%

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mon 4/27 Weights & Macros

PM Weights - Legs B
Walked to the gym from work
Walk on treadmill; 5 mins

Walking lunges on treadmill @ 2.0mph, 15% incline: 3x50 (25 each side)
Squats w/std bar: 90lbs added - 3x10
SLDL's w/std bar: 90lbs added - 1x6, 1x8; 110lbs added - 3x6
Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 2x8; 485lbs - 3x8
Calf press on leg sled: 715lbs - 1x18, 1x20; 735lbs - 2x16
Nautilus machine crunch: 110lbs - 3x15
Hip Abductor: 250lbs - 3x10
Hip Adductor: 210lbs - 1x10; 215lbs - 1x8, 1x10

**For some reason my left knee was hurting today, maybe from too much work over the weekend.....didn't bother me while lifting tho....

Cals: 1,512
Fat: 31.2g/19%
Carbs: 143.5g/35%
Fiber: 20.9g
Net carbs: 122.6g
Protein: 167g/46%

Monday 4/27 AM Cardio

HIIT Cardio - Spin bike; 30 mins - 15 sprints

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday 4/25 & Sunday 4/26 Macros

Cals: 1,426
Fat: 36.9g/23%
Carbs: 124.7g/32%
Fiber: 15.3g
Net carbs: 109.4g
Protein: 159.4g/45%

Cals: 1,304g
Fat: 46.3g/32%
Carbs: 90.6g/22%
Fiber: 20.0g
Net carbs: 70.6g
Protein: 142g/45%

**Way low on protein'd that happen?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday 4/25

Weights: Back & Shoulders B

Wide grip pulldown: 9 - 2x6; 10 - 3x5
SLDL w/EZ bar: 90lbs added - 2x5; 110lbs - 2x5, 1x6
1-armed DB row: 40lb DB - 3x12 each side
Cable upright rows: 9 - 2x8; 10 - 2x8
Pyramid set, DB side laterals: 10s - 1x6, 12s - 1x6, 15s - 1x8, 12s - 1x10; 10s - 1x6, 12s - 1x6, 15s - 1x8, 12s - 1x8; 10s - 1x6, 12s - 1x6, 15s - 1x10, 12s - 1x8

Machine cable crunch: 5 - 1x20; 6 - 2x15
Reverse crunch on bench: 3x20

Yard work: Mowed the lawn front & back.....shoveled dirt....

MMMMMM that cold beer sure tasted good after mowing the lawn! In my imagination of course!

Weight: 162lbs
Chest/bust: 38"
Waist: 32"
Waist around belly button: 36"
Hips: 39"

I may not be losing scale weight, but I fit into a pair of jeans yesterday I haven't been able to wear in a while & I can now get my size 10 pants on, tho I still cannot fasten them. But it's close.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday 4/24 Weights & Macros

PM Weights - Chest & Arms B
Warmup on elliptical; 5 mins

Standard pushups: 1x16, 1x18, 1x18, 1x17
(did these 1st as a lead-in into the workout/extended warmup)
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 1x6, 1x8; 40lb DBs - 1x6; 45lb DBs - 3x5
Flat DB Press: 40lb DBs - 3x10
Curls w/EZ bar: 40lbs added - 4x6
(I need to get some 2.5lb plates to fit my bar - I can go a bit heavier on these)
Tricep cable pressdowns: 6 - 1x6; 7 - 1x6; 8 - 2x6
Cable rope curls: 8 - 1x12; 9 - 1x10
1-armed O/H DB exts: 20lb DB - 2x10 each arm

Cals: 1,559
Fat: 46.1g/27%
Carbs: 119.5g/29%
Fiber: 21.5g
Net carbs: 98g
Protein: 166.4g/45%

Thurs 4/23 Macros & Fri 4/24 Cardio

4/23 Macros:
Cals: 1,510
Fat: 49.8g/30%
Carbs: 91.6g/22%
Fiber: 17.2g
Net carbs: 74.4g
Protein: 166.6g/47%

Friday 4/24

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 288 cals; 2.40 miles

**Legs are still sore from Weds workout....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thurs 4/23

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 30 mins - 15 sprints

Jacknives w/fitball: 1x16, 2x20
Crunch on fitball w/25lb plate: 3x20

And that's it for the day! Whooo!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weds 4/22 Training & Macros

PM Weights - Legs B
Walked to the gym from work
Walk on treadmill; 5 mins

Walking lunges on treadmill; 2.0mph; 15% incline: 3x40 (20 each leg)
(this is my patented lunge move)
Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 1x8; 485lbs - 1x8; 535lbs - 3x6
Calf press on leg sled: 535lbs - 1x20; 625lbs - 1x20; 735lbs - 1x15, 1x16
Squats w/std bar: 70lbs added - 1x12; 90lbs added - 2x10
SLDL w/std bar: 70lbs added - 1x8; 90lbs added - 1x8; 110lbs - 3x6
Hip Abductor: 250lbs - 1x8, 2x10
Hip Adductor: 210lbs - 3x8

**Tried to do some posing practice, but the gym was too crowded....

Cals: 1,566
Fat: 30.3g/18%
Carbs: 153.7g/35%
Fiber: 22.9g
Net carbs: 130.8g
Protein: 179.2g/47%

**Protein is higher than the guidelines I know, but I didn't want to put 1 oz. cooked ground turkey breast back in the I decided to just eat it....

Weds 4/22 Cardio

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 34 mins; 357 cals burned; 2.89 miles

**This is hilarious.....I had a dream last nite that I was in the DE June show, but instead of quarter turns we were supposed to do a dance-type routine with the mandatories in it & it was synchronized. I didn't know this, so wasn't able to follow along with everyone else. LOL

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tues 4/21 Weights & Macros

PM Weights - Back & Shoulders
Warmup on elliptical; 3 mins

Lat pull-under: 10 - 2x6; 11 - 3x6
Seated cable row: 14 - 2x10; 16 - 1x10; 17 - 1x8
Reverse seated rope pulldown: 9 - 3x10
Seated O/H DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x5
(1st time doing these unassisted! Woot!)
Front raises w/25lb plate: 3x12
Seated Side DB laterals: 12lb DBs - 3x15
Shrugs w/EZ bar: 110lbs added - 2x12, 1x15

**I think I had a pretty good workout, despite feeling overwhelmingly tired today.....felt so tired I took one of my fat-burners as it's also supposed to help with focus & concentration, plus a bit of an appetite suppressant....

Cals: 1,464
Fat: 41g/25%
Carbs: 118.6g/29%
Fiber: 17g
Net carbs: 101.6
Protein: 165.4g/46%

Tuesday 4/21

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 30 mins; 15 sprints

Reverse crunch on bench: 3x20
Weighted cable crunch: 4 - 1x15; 5 - 2x16

**Scale weight = 163.6.....anyone need a boat anchor? Birthday at work yesterday with ooey-gooey chocolate cake.....I didn't have any! Woot!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday 4/20 Weights & Macros

PM Weights - Chest & Arms
Warmup on elliptical; 3 minutes

Flat DB press: 45lb DBs - 5x8
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 3x8, 1x10
Incline DB Flye: 25lb DBs - 3x12
Cable curls: 9 - 1x8, 1x10; 10 - 2x8
Rope pressdowns: 6 - 2x9, 2x8
DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 2x10
Bench dips: 1x25, 1x26

Cals: 1,460
Fat: 38g/23%
Carbs: 120.4g/29%
Fiber: 20.5g
Net Carbs: 99.9g
Protein: 167.3g/47%

**LOL I just realized I put the wrong date on this morning's post.....

Monday 4/20 Cardio

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 32 mins; 331 cals burned; 2.69 miles

Saturday & Sunday Macros

Sat 4/18
Cals: 1,409
Fat: 39.8g/26%
Carbs: 113.9g/29%
Fiber: 19.3
Net Carbs: 94.6g
Protein: 150.3g

Sun 4/19
Cals: 1,340
Fat: 40.8g/27%
Carbs: 91.3g/25%
Fiber: 12.7g
Net carbs: 78.6g
Protein: 157.4g/48%

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday 4/18

Weights - Back & Shoulders
Warmup on elliptical; 4 mins

Lat Pull-under: 10 - 2x6; 11 - 3x6
Seated row: 13 - 2x10; 16 - 2x8
Shrugs w/EZ bar: 110lbs added - 1x10, 2x15
Reverse seated rope pulldown: 9 - 3x10
Seated o/h DB press: 35lb DBs - 4x5
Front raise w/25lb Plate: 3x12
Seated DB side laterals: 12lb DBs - 2x15, 1x18

Posing class later....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday 4/17/09

Friday 4/17

AM Cardio

Elliptical; 30 mins; 311 cals burned; 2.53 miles

PM Weights - Legs
Walked to the gym from work
Walk on treadmill; 5 mins

Squats w/std bar: 90lbs added - 2x6; 100lbs added - 1x6; 110lbs added - 2x6; 120lbs added - 1x5 PR!
Bar lunges w/std bar: 20lbs added - 1x20*; 30lbs added - 2x20*
*each leg (my balance stinks!)
Seated calf: 135lbs - 4x15
Leg exts: 120lbs - 1x10; 140lbs - 2x10
Seated leg curls: 90lbs - 1x8; 100lbs - 1x8; 110lbs - 2x8
Hip Abductor: 250lbs - 1x8, 2x10
Hip Adductor: 200lbs - 3x10

Cals: 1,644
Fat: 40.2g/22%
Carbs: 154.6g/35%
Fiber: 23.3
Net carbs: 131.3g
Protein: 170.3g/43%

**Numbers are high as I had some almonds after my last meal as I was still hungry....really, really hungry.....and what's weird is I've been cold the last few days....

Thurs 4/16 Macros + Fri 4/17 Cardio

Totals for Thursday 4/16
Cals: 1,479
Fat: 39.3g/24%
Carbs: 120.7g/29%
Fiber: 22.2g
Net Carbs: 98.5g
Protein: 165.7g/46%

Friday 4/17

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 311 cals; 2.53 miles

**Couple questions on the upcoming B workouts:
For leg day, what is a stiff leg bar - a SLDL?
For chest dips w/chains - can I do pushups for that?
For back day, the deads with bar, is that a SLDL again or something different?
And what is a "side lateral up/down"? Just a standard side lat raise?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thurs 4/16

PM Weights - Chest/Arms
Warmup on elliptical; 4 mins

Flat DB press: 45lb DBs - 1x8, 1x7, 3x8
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Incline DB Flye: 25lb DBs - 3x12
Cable curls: 9 - 4x8
Cable pressdowns: 6 - 1x10; 7 - 1x8, 2x10
DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 2x10
Bench dips: 2x24

I think I'm going to do legs tomorrow nite instead of Saturday morning for 2 reasons: the gym on Fri. nights isn't crowded at all & then I can do Back/shoulders at home Saturday morning, which will give me a day in between upper body workouts. I'll still do my morning cardio tomorrow.

I was VERY tired today and hungry! It's funny how quickly little bits of food add up to the total daily macros.....

Thursday 4/16

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 309 cals burned; 2.50 miles

Ball crunch: 3x25
Jacknives: 3x15

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tues 4/14 Macros + Weds 4/15 Workout/Macros

Tues 4/14 Macros

Cals: 1,531
Fat: 29.9g/18%
Carbs: 149.1g/35%
Fiber: 25g
Net Carbs: 124.1g
Protein: 166.7/47%

Weds 4/15
HIIT cardio - PM
Spin bike; 30 mins; 16 sprints

Cals: 1,494
Fat: 47g/29%
Carbs: 95.9g/24%
Fiber: 20.6g
Net carbs: 75.3g
Protein: 168.7g/47%

**Happy tax day! Ha! Tad bit high on the carbs today for a low carb day - planned it all last nite & forgot to add the half N half for my coffee till I noticed this afternoon....did an extra sprint to make up for it.... LOL Really wanting wine today too.....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday 4/14

PM Weights - Legs & Abs
Walked to the gym from work
Walk on treadmill; 5 mins

Leg exts: 120lbs - 2x10; 140lbs - 2x10
Seated leg curls: 90lbs - 2x8; 110lbs - 2x8
Smith machine squats: 90lbs added - 1x6; 100lbs added - 2x6; 120lbs added - 3x6
(couldn't get the cage or the squat rack tonite)
DB lunges: 20lb DBs - 3x20 (10 each leg)
Seated calf: 135lbs - 4x15
Hip Abductor: 250lbs - 1x8, 2x10
Hip Adductor: 200lbs - 1x10; 210lbs - 2x10
Precor V-crunch ab machine: 3x15
Cable rope crunch: 60lbs - 3x15

**I think I may take tomorrow as my low carb, cardio only day.....

Tuesday 4/14

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 328 cals burned; 2.61 miles

Weight = 162lbs this morning!! Whooo!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday 4/13

PM Weights
Warmup on elliptical; 3 mins

Lat pull-under: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 1x6; 11 - 2x6, 1x5
Seated cable row: 12 - 2x10; 15 - 1x10; 16 - 1x9
Seated reverse pulldown w/rope: 9 - 3x10
Seated o/h DB press: 35lb DBs - 4x5
(needed some help on the last 2 sets)
Front raise w/25lb plate: 3x15
Seated side lateral: 12lb DBs - 3x15
Shrugs w/EZ bar: 110lbs added - 2x10, 1x12

Macros for today:
Cals: 1,511
Fat: 42.2g/26%
Carbs: 115.2g/28%
Fiber: 19.6
Protein: 168.3g/47%

**Note: I'm scheduled to do Legs tomorrow, which puts me at Legs again on Saturday before the posing class if that's OK....

Monday 4/13

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 30 mins - 15 sprints

Weight = 163.6lbs
Chest = 38
Waist = 33
Hips = 39

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday 4/12

Rest Day....Happy Easter!

Cals: 1,427
Fat: 45.9/30%
Carbs: 91g/22%
Fiber: 21.1g
Protein: 165.9/49%

In general I feel ok, tired usually - but I always feel tired, dieting or not.....based on this week strength is still good....forgot to weigh myself this morning, so will do it tomorrow morning....

Saturday 4/11 Macros

Forgot to post this yesterday....

Cals: 1,507
Fat: 42.2g/25%
Carbs: 119.4g/29%
Fiber: 18.8
Protein: 167.3g/46%

Something must be going on, as I've finally got some cravings!! Craving salmon for some reason along with assorted bad things....and red wine - my usual....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday 4/11

Chest & Arms
Warmup on ellipitcal; 4 mins

Flat DB Press: 45lb DBs - 1x8, 1x7, 3x8
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 3x8
Incline DB Flyes: 3x12
Cable curls: 8 - 1x8, 1x10; 9 - 1x10; 10 - 1x8
Rope pressdowns: 6 - 4x8
DB Hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 2x10
Bench dips: 1x22, 1x24

Leg raises on bench w/10lb DB held between feet: 3x15
Ball crunch w/25lb Plate: 1x15, 2x20

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday 4/10 Macros

Cals: 1,411
Fat: 41.7g/27%
Carbs: 97.2g/25%
Fiber: 16.9
Protein: 163.2g/48%

Friday 4/10

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 30 mins; 15 sprints

Rest of the day will be spent prepping the garden for planting.....get to play with a rototiller!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tues 4/9 Macros

Calories : 1,487
Fat: 27.0g/16%
Carb: 149.1g/36%
Fiber: 21.8g
Protein: 168.3g/47%

Thursday 4/9

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 312 cals; 2.52 miles

PM Weights - Legs A
Walked to the gym from work
Treadmill; 5 mins

Leg exts: 120lbs - 2x10; 140lbs - 2x10
Seated leg curls: 90lbs - 2x8; 110lbs - 2x8
Squats w/std bar in HS cage: 90lbs added - 3x6; 110lbs - 3x6
DB Lunges: 10lb DBs - 1x10*; 15lb DBs - 1x10*; 20lb DBs - 2x10*
*each side
(couldn't get NEAR the squat rack today, so had to do DB lunges)
Seated calf: 135lbs - 4x15
Hip adductor: 190lbs - 1x10; 200lbs - 2x10

**Is it totally unfair or what that the ice cream man was crawling down my street when I got home from the gym....hmpf! Me likey Honey Nut Cheerios....

Felt tired & hungry today....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weds 4/8 Macros

Cals: 1,711
Fat: 51.6
Carbs: 131.6
Fiber: 26.4
Protein: 183.8

Meh! Numbers too high today somehow.......guess I'll have plenty of energy for legs tomorrow I guess....

Fitday link:

Weds 4/8

PM Training - Back & Shoulders
Warmup on elliptical; 3 mins

Lat pull-unders: 8 - 2x6; 10 - 1x6; 11 - 1x5, 1x6
Seated cable row: 10 - 2x10; 12 - 1x10; 13 - 1x10
Seated reverse rope pulldown: 7 - 1x10; 9 - 2x10
Seated o/h DB press: 25lb DBs - 2x6; 35lb DBs - 1x5, 1x6
Shrugs w/EZ bar: 110lbs added - 3x10
Front raise w/25lb plate: 3x12
Seated DB side lateral raises: 12lb DBs - 3x15

Weds 4/8

AM Cardio
Spin bike; 30 mins total; 15 sprints

Reverse crunch on bench: 3x20
Crunch on fitball w/6lb med. ball: 3x20

Good morning! What is a "lat pull-under" and a "rope pulldown"? Just want to make sure it is what I think it is....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tues 4/7 macros

Cals: 1,517
Fat: 38.7g
Carbs: 125.7g
Fiber: 25.8g
Protein: 168.2

Tues 4/7

Tuesday 4/7

Chest & Arms
Warmup on elliptical; 3 mins

Flat DB press: 40lb DBs - 3x6; 45lb DBs - 2x7
(don't have a flat bar or DBs heavier than 45s so did a couple extra presses since I could do more than 5)
Incline DB Flye: 25lb DBs - 3x12
Cable curls: 7 - 2x10; 9 - 2x8
Rope pressdowns: 6 - 4x8
Incline DB Press: 35lb DBs - 4x8
Standing DB hammer curls: 25lb DBs - 2x10
Bench tricep dips: 1x25, 1x28 (failure)

Elliptical; 30 mins; 302 cals burned; 2.46 miles

Fitday for today:

**My legs were soooooore today!! *smile* Although I think it's going to work out best for me to do my cardio in the morning due to time.....just takes too long after work to do both....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday April 6th Macros

Total cals: 1412 cals
Fat: 38.6g
Carb: 104.3g
Fiber: 15.9
Protein: 165.8g

Monday April 6th

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 35 mins; 374 cals burned; 2.99 miles

PM Weights (after work)
Walked to the gym from work
Walk on treadmill; 6 mins

Squats w/std bar: 70lbs added - 2x6; 90lbs added - 1x6; 110lbs added - 3x6
Bar lunges w/std bar: Bar only - 1x20; 10lbs added - 2x20
Seated calf: 100lbs - 2x20; 135lbs - 2x15
Hip abductor: 250lbs - 3x8
Leg exts: 140lbs - 3x10
Seated leg curls: 90lbs - 2x8; 110lbs - 1x8; 115lbs - 1x8