Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday 4/29

PM Training - Back & Abs
DB Bent-over reverse lat raises: 20lb DBs - 3x10
Cable Straight-arm pulldowns: 5 - 3x10

Wide-grip lat pulldowns: 7 - 1x10; 8 - 2x8; 9 - 3x8
1-armed DB bench rows: 45lb DB - 2x8*, 2x10*
*each side
DB pullovers on flat bench: 45lb DB - 3x10

Reverse crunch on flat bench: 1x16, 3x20
Crunch on fitball w/45lb DB - 2x20, 1x25, 1x22

**Also shredded about 3 bags of cr@p (ie junk mail) that I was inundated with.....does that count as cardio?? LOL

Took a note from the convo I had with Michelle during the show's break on Saturday about fruit & had a container of Greek yogurt + 1/4 cup cereal + 1/4 cup cherries Pre-workout today. Can you say MAD energy?? I was running about in my home-gym lifting, shredding, lifting, shredding.....Awesome!

Cals: 1,410
Fat: 44.6g/28%
Carbs: 108.9g/30%
Protein: 149.6g/42%

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weds 4/28

**Felt like a cardio-only night!!

PM Cardio
Spin bike; 25 mins total time - 10 min warmup, 15 sprints over 15 mins
Elliptical; 20 mins; 191 cals; 1.58 miles

Cals: 1,434
Fat: 45.1g/27%
Carbs: 83.2g/22%
Protein: 158.1g/44%

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday 4/27

Hella sore today, so yesterday's workout was a good one!

Tuesday 4/27

PM Training - Delts & Triceps

Elliptical - 3 mins
Cable upright rows: 9 - 1x8, 2x10

Seated O/H DB Press: 25lb DBs - 2x8; 30lb DBs - 1x6, 1x7, 1x6
Seated side DB lateral raises: 12lb DBs - 1x8; 15lb DBs - 2x8, 1x10
Front raises w/DB: 35lb DB - 4x10
Cable tricep pressdowns: 6 - 2x10; 7 - 2x8, 1x10
Seated O/H DB tricep exts: 45lb DB - 3x10, 1x12

PWO Cardio
Elliptical; 20 mins; 191 cals; 1.61 miles

Cals: 1,288
Fat: 32g/21%
Carbs: 100g/30%
Protein: 162.8g/49%

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday 4/26

Trying to get back on track!! My clothes aren't fitting....

Starting over with Workout "A" again...figured 4 weeks of A, B & C will take me right into August when I would start the beginning stages of contest prep for an April show.

Training - Legs & Abs
Walk on treadmill - 10 mins

Front squats w/std bar: 50lbs added - 2x8; 70lbs added - 4x6
Side bends w/35lb Plate: 4x12 each side
SLDL w/std bar: 90lbs added - 2x8; 110lbs added - 3x6
Single-legged seated calf raise: 55lbs - 5x16 each leg
Sumo DB squat, heels on plate: 65lb DB - 4x10
Leg exts: 130lbs - 3x10
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 1x10, 1x8, 1x10; 115lbs - 1x10, 1x9
DB Step ups on high step: 15lb DBs - 3x10 each leg
Cable rope crunch: 70lbs - 3x10

Cals: 1,537
Fat: 36.3g/20%
Carbs: 124.1g/31%
Protein: 151.2g/39%

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday 4/8

AM Training - Legs
Treadmill; 3 mins

Leg press on leg sled: 395lbs - 2x8; 445lbs - 2x8; 485lbs - 2x6
Calf press on leg sled: 755lbs - 1x16, 2x15, 2x16
Squats w/std bar: 90lbs added - 4x8
Sissy squats w/DB: 35lb DB - 1x10; 45lb DB - 1x10; 50lb DB - 2x10
DB SLDL: 65lb DBs - 4x8
Lunges w/std bar: 40lbs added - 2x10*, 1x8*
*each side
(Have I ever mentioned I HATE lunges? LOL)
Seated leg curls: 110lbs - 1x12, 1x14; 120lbs - 3x10

**Planned day off for the macros as the Humane Society is having a fund-raiser Happy Hour tonite which I am attending....will take pics of Maddie to show off!

Weds 4/7

PM Cardio
Spin bike; 25 mins - 5 min warmup, 15 sprints/20 mins
Elliptical; 20 mins; 197 cals; 1.66 miles

Cals: 1,690
Fat: 70.8g/37%
Carbs: 84g/19%
Protein: 127.6g/31%

**Fat is high due to a pack of Cracked pepper almonds today...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday 4/6

AM Cardio
Elliptical; 30 mins; 309 cals; 2.57 miles

PM Weights - Chest & Biceps
Pushups: 1x14, 2x16

Incline inward cable chest press: 5 - 2x8; 6 - 2x8; 7 - 2x6
Incline DB Press: 40lb DBs - 2x8, 2x10
Flat DB Flyes: 25lb DBs - 1x12; 30lb DBs - 2x10
Incline DB curls, hammer grip: 25lb DBs - 2x6; 30lb DBs - 3x5
Cable curls: 9 - 1x8; 10 - 3x8

Cals: 1,621
Fat: 41.3g/22%
Carbs: 112.3g/27%
Protein: 165g

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday 4/5

Yayyy nice weather!

PM Weights - Delts & Triceps
Elliptical; 3 mins

Standing DB side laterals: 15lb DBs - 2x6, 1x8; 17.5lb DBs - 2x6, 1x8
Cable rack shrugs: 18 - 1x12; 21 - 1x15, 1x18, 1x20
(21 is the whole stack!!)
Cable incline inward shoulder press: 5 - 1x10, 1x8; 6 - 2x8
Dips on flat bench, narrow grip: 2x16, 2x20
Seated cable O/H cable exts: 11 - 1x12; 12 - 3x10

Crunch on fitball w/45lb DB - 2x20, 2x25

PWO Cardio
Elliptical; 20 mins; 217 cals; 1.79 miles

Cals: 1,406
Fat: 35.9g/22%
Carbs: 123.9g/34%
Protein: 157.9g44%

Thursday 4/1 thru Sunday 4/4/10

Took some time off to get some projects done around the house.....been putting off doing the large LR 11x14' wall & got it done this weekend finally! Also got a forsythia bush/plant planted outside & pulled out all the dead stuff from last year's veggie garden. So a very productive 4 days!!

Trying to get caught up on some unfinished projects, get some finished & get to the ones I had to put off due to competing last year.....

Weds 3/31

PM Cardio
Spin bike; 25 mins - 10 min warmup + 15 sprints over 15 mins
Walk outside, approx. 30 mins
(Too nice to use the elliptical!!)